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Cast by Order of Appearance:Lauren Owens: Vanessa HudgensJack Dackerman: Tom EllisMatthew Dackerman: Christopher RussellVictor Zsasz: Chris MessinaRoman Sionis: Ewan McGregor

Donna the Waitress: Poppy Drayton


Wednesday, March 4, 2020:

"I'm sorry, I still cannot believe you're giving this guy a chance. He is absolutely 'woohoo' crazy." Jack said as he abruptly walked into Lauren's office.

"And I'm sorry, weren't you the one telling me to go out and find someone?" Lauren pointed out.

"Well yes," Jack sighed before he sat down in a chair across from Lauren's desk, "but to an actual normal human being. Not one who has a tantrum in a museum entrance way."

"Jack, it's fine. It's just dinner. It's not like he's asking me to marry him."

"Yet. He called you 'his little dove'. Shall I emphasize the word HIS?"

"I like the nickname." Lauren shrugged.

"Of course you would." Jack muttered to himself, "Well I don't approve."

"Well, you don't have to." Lauren pointed out, "I'm the one going out to dinner with him."

"Yes, don't remind me." Jack huffed.

"Speaking of the date, I wanted to do something special for Roman. I get the feeling that he doesn't do this often."

"Do what often? Take advantage of vulnerable women who are trying to get back on their feet after a bad breakup? No, he seems like an absolute peach." Jack said, biting out the word 'peach' with some hostility.

"Jack." Lauren sighed.

"Oh, all right." Jack said caving in as he adjusted himself in his chair and leaned forward, "I would get him flowers. And I'm not just saying that because my husband is a florist."

"Flowers, huh? Well they can mean a lot of things. I wonder what kinds of flowers I should get him."

"I can't believe I'm helping," Jack muttered to himself, "I would get colored roses. Something unique like whites or blues or purples."

"Colored roses? Why colored roses?" Lauren asked.

"Well," Jack said, getting ready for a big rant, "Blue roses typically mean that you find a person wonderful or unique, and God knows that man you're seeing is some kind of special. They can also mean mystery and intrigue. Yellow roses are associated with cheer and friendship, something I wish you would just be with this man. White roses typically are associated with marriage, something that I wish you wouldn't do with this man. Pink roses typically mean elegance and grace, something I don't think-"

"Jack are you going to continue to make snide comments about Roman while you tell me about flowers?" Lauren asked, interrupting Jack.

"Fine, you caught me. I won't do it anymore. Now can I get back to the roses?"

"Be my guest." Lauren gestured.

"Peach roses: modesty, sincerity, and gratitude. Orange roses: passions and enthusiasm. Cream roses-"

"Wait, you already talked about white roses."

"But these are cream roses. They are different from white roses. Cream roses mean charm and thoughtfulness. Purple roses usually mean love at first sight. Burgundy roses mean unconscious beauty. Green roses mean good news and rejuvenation. Black roses can symbolize death, but can also mean new beginnings. And that's it."

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