Chapter Two

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"She's so beautiful," you commented, gazing down at the newborn in your arms.

After 12 hours of going through labor, your daughter is finally born and she's cleaned off too. You were exhausted from going through labor and your eyes felt heavy, wanting to sleep at the moment. Todoroki has a chair next to the bed, gazing down at your daughter with his arm around your shoulders. He stayed with you for the whole day in the hospital and not even stepping out of the room to greet your friends.

Midoriya, Uraraka, Kirishima, and Iida walked into the hospital room with smiles. You and Todoroki return their smiles and they walked towards the bed, gazing down at the new born baby of the Todorokis. You rested your head on Todoroki's shoulder, seeing your daughter and you felt warmth swell in your heart. You have your own family now.

"She's going to be a handful," Todoroki chuckled, lifting his beautiful eyes to gaze into yours. "She's going to be just like you. I have a feeling."

"Congratulations, [Name]!" Uraraka exclaimed, clasping her hands together.

Kirishima pats Todoroki on his shoulder. "Congrats, man! Bakugo was going to show up, but he's dealing with a villain right now. He'll be here later today I'm sure."

"It's most wonderful! You guys are the first to have a kid within the whole group!" Iida exclaimed, tears swelling in his eyes. You and Todoroki glanced at each other, smiles on your faces. "Make sure [Name] gets enough rest and the baby is completely healthy-"

"I think they know that, Iida," Kirishima laughed.

You wanted Bakugo here because he's one of your closest friends. You weren't really friends with him in your 1st year at UA, but when it was during your third year of high school that two became close. It was really a funny moment because you were taken hostage in your 3rd year and he was kidnapped in his 1st year. You and him shared that only thing and you tease him about it even though he went through a hard time back then, but he's matured.

"What should we name her?" You asked, looking at your husband.

Todoroki gazes at you, a genuine smile on his lips. "Airi Todoroki."

"You're so sappy, Shoto," you laughed, feeling Todoroki kiss the top of your head. "But it's perfect. It'll suit her when she gets older."

"I hope she takes after Todoroki's personality," Uraraka muttered, looking at the married couple. "Airi will be too much trouble if she takes after [Name]. There's going to be so much chaos." You and Todoroki look at your friends. Uraraka smiles sheepishly as she waves at you and you rolled your eyes playfully. "You heard me, huh?"

"You weren't exactly a silent whisperer, Ochaco," you laughed.

Iida lets out a gasp then he looks to Kirishima, Uraraka, and Midoriya. "[Name] needs her rest! We should leave, but we'll come back later. Call us when the two of you have returned home safely and if you need any assistance contact me!"


"I think when Airi starts to get to the age of eating baby food I'll make my own," you said, holding the door open for Todoroki.

You and Todoroki had left the hospital the next day because you honestly didn't want to stay in the hospital for another day because the day shift was kinda rude to you. You honestly wanted to be in the confinement of your home with your baby and husband.

"Sounds like a good plan," Todoroki stated, he takes a seat with Airi who's sleeping in his arms. "Should we put the baby room to some use?"

You nodded your head and Todoroki stands up with Airi in his arms. Todoroki walks up the stairs and you follow behind him, following him into the baby room the two of you made.

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