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3rd person POV

Mari-Gold was walking down the streets alone. I know what you thinking. What would a 5 year old girl be doing walking down the streets of Gotham alone at night.

When Batman sees this he decides to drop in. Seeing this Mari-Gold gets into a defensive stance. Yes the five year old can fight.

Well that's what happens when your aunt's and uncles are the villains or ex-villians of Gotham. They started training her the moment she was able to walk.

She was trained in self-defense, gymnastics for flexibility, martial arts, different types of dancing, singing, art, stealth, how to blend with the environment, how to enhance her powers and many more useful skills.

Although she was 5, she was just as smart as a fully grown adult. She was not scared of walking alone in the streets of Gotham because she was too well liked to get hurt and is a mugger or anything were to come up, she would take them down I'm five seconds strate.

She was taught to be unable to feal pain at the age of 3 and thanks to her uncle scarecrow her physical abilities were unlike any other human alive. She was immune to most gasses and diseases. But they all knew she was too sweet to be evil.

"What are you doing walking down the streets all alone" asked Batman.

"Oh it's you" she said "you know Bruce you will give me a hurt attack one of these days"

"What did you call me" he asks.

"Bruce" she replies.

"How did you-"

"Don't worry I'm smarter than an average human being" she says "and don't sweat I won't reveal your Identity to anyone"

"I'm thanks" he says "but you didn't answer my question what are you doing walking down the street of Gotham at night"

"Looking for inspiration" she replies.

"What do you mean" he asks.

"I'm a designer" she answers.

"Oh! But aren't you afraid of what might happen to you" he asks only to get a scoff in return.

"Please the villains of Gotham adore me and if anyone was to try something I would take them down within 5 seconds. I mean I've been trained to fight since I could walk" she answers.

"Who exactly are you" Batman asks.

"Mari-Gold Ivy, daughter of poison Ivy" she says causing a few plants to shake.

"Wow okay since you know my identity I would be checking on you every now and again to make sure you do not get yourself into any kind of trouble" he says.

"Okay" she says smiling brightly and skipping away.

"Thought I don't think the little ball of Sunshine will be causing as any kind of trouble" he mumbles to himself.

Years go by she gets closer with the Wayne family. So close that she refers to Jason as her brother. The others not so much but enough for people to see that they cared for each other as of they were actually related.

One day Dick called her over because he wanted her to meet the new Wayne. They had already told her to be careful of him. He was a bit cold. She had been specifically asked not to kill him no matter what he said.

"Hey I'm Mari-Gold" she said extending her hand.

"Tt don't touch me unless you want to end up dead in a ditch" he says earning a scoff from the ravenette.

"Please stop kidding yourself, you wouldn't be able to touch me" the 10 year old girl says.

"Well you little" he says aiming a punch to her face only to be flipped over by the girl.

"Ok you don't go around hitting people you've just met especially a girl who can serve your but on a silver platter" she says making the others snicker.

A tint of red could be seen on the boy's face. Knowing looks were shared around the room.

From that day the two were inseparable. Damian was cold and hush to everyone but Mari-Gold whom he referred to as Angel.

But of course nothing can stay perfect forever. Two months after the two met someone from the department came to visit Ivy's apartment.

"Hey I Lindi and I'm here to discuss Mari-Gold" she says.

"What about my daughter" Ivy replies coldly.

"She is living in an unfit environment and is being moved to Paris to be cared for by a Parisian couple" she says.

"What is unfit about this environment"

"Well for starters she is being raised by a vilian" the woman says.

"Ex-villian" Mari says emerging from the dark.

"That's besides the point you leaving first thing tomorrow be ready" she says leaving.

"Mommy I don't want to live you" she says sobbing into her mother's arms.

"I know honey but I will come for you" she replies.

"And I'll come back for you" Mari says "promise you'll never forget about me"

"Oh honey never" she says "now go off and tell the Wayne's you moving I'll pack and inform your aunt's and uncles"

"Ok mom" she says giving her mother one last hug before heading out. When they boys see her state they immediately start to worry.

"Pixie Pop, what's wrong" Jason says cradling the ten year old into his arms.

"Jay-jay the system is taking me away, to Paris" she sobs into his arms. Hearing this Damian runs out of the room.

"Oh pixie you'll be back i know it" he says whipping away a few of her tears. "Now go after demon spawn before he breaks something"

She smiles at her brother.

"Thanks Jay" she says hugging him and running after Damian.

She finds him on a bench in the garden. She sits next to him.

"You'll be back right" he asks.

"Of course Dami" she says.

"I'll miss you" he says.

"I'll miss you too" she says hugging him.

The next day all the villains af Gotham and the Wayne's are at the airport to see Gotham's princess of. Her flight is soon called.

"That's me" she says "by guys, I'll miss y'all" she says hugging each of them before entering the plane with Lindi.


And prologue done. I know it's sad, Gotham losing it's ray of sunshine. Yeah but what can I say we need a story right 🤨. Yeah so I hope your enjoying my villain kid story because I'm planning on doing a lot and making them into a series. Yeah so vote and comment, your feedback is highly appreciated.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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