chapter t h r e e

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Katsuki's eyes almost bulged out of its sockets. What the fuck is that half albino doing with you–

"Oi, oi, oi Icy Hot! The fuck are you doing with her?!" He shouted, and once he saw your face scrunching up due to the loud noise, he regretted his action a little bit. Though only a wee bit. "Oh, Katsuki, you're up early- Ah!" You shrieked once you realized that your head was laying on Todoroki's lap. Guess it was time for you to bury yourself into a hole and never come out of it ever again. Great.

Todoroki's eyes slowly fluttered open. He was about to greet you, yet was stopped once he noticed the angry blonde's presence which soured his mood a little bit. "Good morning, Y/n," he greeted, to which you nodded your head to in acknowledgement.

"G'morning as well, Todo."

Bakugou was slightly fuming as of the moment. How dare you two ignore his presence. And why the hell was that peppermint doing, addressing you with your forename, huh? He walked towards you and gripped your arm just so you could stand up. "Hey what's with you-"

"What were you two doing last night?" Bakugou asked as he narrowed his eyes at the half cold half hot boy. The two of them glared at each other and it almost seems as if there were some kind of sparks going on between them. "Y/n and I weren't doing anything. She simply fell asleep and I didn't want to risk the chance of her waking up, so I did what I thought was best," Todoroki answered.

You sighed, "You know Bakugou, if you're jealous, you could've just asked me to sleep with you." You deadpanned, and after you said those words, Bakugou's face flared up, ah, was he too damn obvious for his own good? "Oh fuck it, I couldn't care less what's goin' on between you two," he clicked his tongue before walking away, his hands inside the pockets of his joggers as he tried to keep the redness of his face away.

"Man, that was so out of character of him," you mumbled before plopping down on the couch again since Bakugou pulled you up. Silence ensued and you just wanted to do anything just to break it. Todoroki's mind also has its gears running, wondering what he should say during this kind of conversation.

"So, uh, sorry for last night. Must've felt uncomfortable sitting upright," you chuckled sheepishly as you rubbed the back of your neck. Todoroki just stared at you, before shaking his head a bit, just enough for you not to notice since your gaze wasn't exactly on him.

"It was quite alright. I merely did what was best during that kind of situation," he said, and he cursed inwardly once he noticed how formal he sounded. You laughed lightly once again, "Merely- you sounded just like Iida just now!"

You could notice the smile that grew on his face which made your eyes widened and your mouth unconsciously grow into a grin. "You should smile more often, you know. It suits you the best," you complimented him with a smile of your own.

"My smiles, though, are only reserved for you."




"Wait- what?!" you comically recoiled backward as you tried your hardest to cover the growing blush on your face. Did 'the' Todoroki just say that to you?! I mean, this wasn't the first time, and you could just remember how you reacted when he said those lines back when you two are riding the bus back home.

"Uh- ah- I'm so flustered I don't know what to say!" You turned into a crouching position on top of the couch as you buried your face on your palms. You weren't exactly overreacting, I mean, who wouldn't explode into the different shades of red once Todoroki throws those words out at you?

"I apologize if my statement came off too strong..." He mumbled with a blush of his own covering his cheeks. "Ah, no, no, no! In fact, it uh, made me feel quite happy..." you said as you slowly tried to return into a sitting position to try to get a good look of him, and sure enough, he was also in the same state as you.

Unsure of what to say, you just awkwardly coughed out before looking at the table. "The quiz is due tomorrow and I still haven't gotten an ounce of information inside my head," you whined as you slumped down on the couch. Seeing your current state, he thought of something that could just hit two birds with one stone.

"If you want, I can help you out with the lesson you may find hard."


1. He could spend more time with you; and

2. He would also be able to help you out.

"Wait, you'd do that?" You looked at him with tears comically running down your face as you bowed in thanks several times. "Please stop that, I'm doing this not because I feel obliged to, but because I also want to spend time with you," his elbows leaned unto the couch's arms and his hand covered the bottom region of his face.

Was it just him, or was he actually getting better at flirting?

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