Perjaswilico (Fluff)

Start from the beginning

Their bright smiles.

Kind souls.

They helped heal each other as well as Nico and Jason, something that strengthened their bond.

They hadn't even noticed when Will joined their relationship.

They had all started falling asleep in the Poseidon cabin.

Inviting Will to hang out with them on what was considered a date.

They had literally accidentally started dating.

They had all laughed when they realised, unable to believe they could be so stupid.

Jason, Nico and Percy had been cuddled up together on Percy's bed in his mom's apartment, having just gotten back from their date when Percy brought up missing Will and how it was so weird he wasn't with them.

They all paused, realisation setting in.

They headed straight back to camp, wanting to get to Will quickly so they could sort everything out.

Will himself hadn't realised it either, letting his thoughts stray. Let them get darker.

Just as his mind was about to enter dangerous territory, he felt as weight settle on his lap, a hand on his cheek.

He blinked dazed, looking up to find Percy sat on his lap, his face a light shade of pink.

"I didn't know how else to get you to stop."

Will smiled sadly, having realised what he doing, remembering Percy knew him so well because he too had those thoughts.

The conversation had ended there, the four of them falling asleep cuddled up once more, Percy still in Will's lap.

They had decided they'd talk things through properly the next day.

And they did, Will becoming an official part of their relationship.

It was a few weeks later at lunch that Jason's mind started to wonder, his anger slowly taking over.

He jumped slightly as he felt a pressure on his lap, looking down to find Percy grinning up at him as he nibbled on a slice of blue pizza.

"You had that look on your face again."

"So you decided to sit on my lap?"

"Well duh, you're comfy."

Jason smiled, wrapping his arms around Percy's waist as he allowed him to feed him some of his pizza.

It actually tasted alright.

Nico had spent the entire day in the Hades cabin, not once coming out, no matter how hard the others begged him to.

It was when he was sat on the end of his bed just staring at the wall that something landed on his lap.

Disgruntled, Nico moved his eyes away from the wall, turning to look at Percy sat on his lap, a worried expression on his face.

Nico felt his heart pang with guilt, knowing Percy was worried enough not to complain about how he could easily sit in his lap now and that it wasn't fair that puberty was so nice to Nico.

Nico looked away for a second before turning to look Percy in the eyes, finding himself captivated once more.

"I'm sorry."

Percy frowned, reaching up to wrap his arms around Nico's neck and bury his head in his neck.

"Don't ever be sorry. Please."

Percy's voice turned into more of a whine near the end, conveying just how upset he was.

It was Will who first noticed how much Percy sitting in their laps helped them.

He didn't understand why it helped, he just chalked it down to their subconsciouses needing reassurance that he was still there.

It didn't only help them however. Percy seemed to be really benefiting from it.

So it became a thing they did.

Sometimes it wasn't even when one of them needed comfort. It had just become a habit.

They alternated between who would sit on who's lap, Percy always sat in a corner pouting because he wasn't allowed to join in the conversation.

Apparently, to them, it was obvious none of them would ever sit in Percy's lap, Percy always sitting in one of theirs.

Percy always had to turn away at that point, trying to hide the small smile on his face at the fact that they knew him so well.

What Percy didn't realise however was this meant he was never allowed to use chairs, always being pulled down onto one of their laps.

Maybe, just maybe, Percy could live without chairs.

As long as he got to use his boyfriends as a replacement, it didn't seem so bad.

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