| Part 11 |

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A couple of hours later, school was over. You and Hinata were walking out of school. You both waved goodbye as you both walk in different paths. Not far from them there were Naruto and Sasuke chatting.

"You should give her some space, she's been through quite a lot" Said Naruto watching you walk off then back at him. Sasuke sighs. "Yeah..I know. Sooner or later I'll have to explain myself"

Naruto starts to scratch the back of his head on something that he didn't understand earlier "Speaking of that, why did you kiss her in the first place?"

That question made him think. Why did he kiss her? They've only know each other for about what? A couple of days? At least that's what he thought, he wasn't keeping track of the days. "I don't even know why" He looked out into the distance "Once she started to sing something triggered me, like my mind was concentrated on her and only her"

Naruto started to chuckle by how silly it sounded coming from him "You like her don't you?" He pats his shoulder "What makes her so different?" Sasuke shrugs his hand away from his shoulder then steps away. He looked away once he mentioned you casually ignoring the question "Tsk, It's not important" He starts to walk off with his hands in his pockets. Naruto grins, he knew that he hit something. 'He totally likes her ' "Hey, wait up" He catches up with him having the same mocking smile on his face.


You were walking in the streets. Your bag was dangling in front of you, with your head up high in the sky. Thoughts were filling up your mind. 'A lie shouldn't hurt right..? ' How were you going to tell Yahiko about what happened? You really didn't want to break the news to him but you were also loyal and honest to him. 'I really don't want to lose him..' You absolutely didn't want that to happen out of all things.

You sudden receive a text message "Hm?" You take your phone out of your pocket then would turn it on. The message was from Yahiko, you hesitated to open it at first but you ended up doing it anyway

«Look behind you»

You turned your head around seeing him behind you, your heart beat started to beat fast all of a sudden not of happiness but of fright. 'Let's hope that he didn't see what happened earlier ' A fake smile broke out once you saw him

"Hey, I'm sorry for not being able to attend to your performance. I'm sure that you did great out there" Yahiko said with an apologetic smile. You lightened up just by hearing his words. 'Thank god that he didn't see what happened ' You did a closed eye smile "It's okay. It was pretty much a disaster but I got over it"

"Did Ino do something again?" He asked 100% sure that she had something to do with it. You sigh adding a nod at the end "Bingo" He smiles ruffling your hair "It's alright, as long as you had fun during your performance it's all that matters"

You blush rearranging your hair disapproving of the hair ruffle he did to you but then again it's not like it was going to kill you or anything "If you say so"

"Come on, let me walk you home" He takes your hand into his as he starts walking. You nod following behind him "Sure"

Later on, you arrive to your workplace with Yahiko. "Make sure to get ready, I'll pick you up at 8pm for our date" He says smiling at you as he kissed your forehead right after. You started to blush "Of course. Now you should go and get ready too" You blush with a small smile on your face.

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