꧁Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1 - Tᴇʟᴍᴀʀ꧂

Start from the beginning

She had left on the 14th so that she could spend Christmas with Malik, Dana and Ervin; and to spend Ervin's 16th birthday with him. Now she was waiting until after Malik's birthday before returning home. She had spoken to Oreius before she had left and she knew it was time for her to return home and take up her duty as General.

Sacha had also agreed, he told her she had been on the run too long and Katherine knew that it was true. For eight years she had been constantly traveling, never staying anywhere for more than three months. She had loved it and made some of the best friends she had ever known. She knew and loved most of the important royals that neighbored or was south from Narnia.

Her crew had been loyal to her yet she knew after eight years most of them wanted to settle down and had been too kind to say otherwise. She had been being selfish but no longer would she stay from her duties.

She also hated to admit that she had scared herself out of her court duties as a Lady of Narnia, many of the Ladies were humans from the House of Frank that looked over cities such as Beaversdam. In fact Lord Peridan oversaw Beaversdam with Lady Acantha. Katherine thought the name suited her well as it meant 'thorn' and Lady Acantha always seemed to be a thorn in Katherine's side.


When she had first arrived home after Telmar, she had been so nervous to see Peter again. As they arrived, Edmund and Lucy met her at the docks and they had gone back to the castle together. She had been putting Raiden away in the stables when Lady Acantha had walked passed with her maid, gossiping.

"You know" Lady Acantha had drawled, "I heard the girl is hopelessly in love with King Peter and was rejected, how embarrassing, perhaps that's why she ran away, you know I think King Peter tried to exile her whilst she was gone and that's why he did not go to meet her today"

Katherine had stayed in the stables as they had passed and once she was sure they were gone she stepped out again. She had almost cried but decided against it. How could she show up to the castle with red puffy eyes? She would be even more embarrassed. Instead she took in a few deep breaths and turned to Raiden.

"I can do this, I am one hundred percent okay, no crying here" she told him.

"Katherine-" Raiden began but someone cut him off.

"Katherine!" A voice rang out and she turned to see Susan's black locks flying behind the girl. She flung her arms around Katherine, sobbing into her shoulder.

"I'm so glad you're back, it's been dreadful without you. Peter's been in a rotten mood and Edmund's been awfully quiet and Lucy and I have cried almost every day since you were gone. How mean of you to leave like that with no explanation of where you were going"

Susan had told her looking quite angry at Katherine. Guilt formed in Katherine's heart and she squirmed a bit at the feeling it gave her.

"I'm really sorry Susan, I'm not sure what came over me but I'm back now and I'll be staying for a month or so" Katherine replied.

"A month!" Susan exclaimed, "Why that is not nearly enough time but I suppose I had better catch you up on what you missed out on as best I can. Oh, and you must tell me all about you trip to Telmar, I've heard very good things about that country!"

Susan linked her arm with Katherine's and Katherine felt a surge of happiness and comfort to be with her friend again. She also knew she owed Lucy an apology and a rather large apology to Edmund who had been off with her the whole way back to the castle. Susan and Katherine walked through the halls giggling like school girls, Katherine felt as if she was home again from a very long visit to the countryside.

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