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Kuroo was rendered speechless instantly, his lips parted in shock. After a few moments of staring at the amazing girl in front of him, the messy-haired boy whispered, "I should be the one saying that." He then cupped Yukimi's face with both hands and squished her cheeks endearingly, nearing his face to hers as he does so. "You're the beautiful one in this relationship and I'm not just talking about outward appearances." His golden eyes met with melted caramel, with his smile growing at the adorable shade of blush decorating Yukimi's cheeks and ears. "I'm sure a lot of people surely agree with me on that."

Yukimi shook her head lightly with a smile. "You really have a way with words, huh?" she murmured, standing on her toes right after. She noticed that as she did that, Kuroo slowly ducked down so that she wouldn't have to strain herself. Taking the chance, Yukimi softly asked him when their faces were a hair's breadth from each other, "Can I kiss you?"

"You don't have to ask."

With that, their lips met. Kuroo can taste the sweetness of watermelon as their lips danced in a slow beat, his heart pounding at the thought that Yukimi applied flavored lip balm. Opening his eyes a little, Kuroo tilted his head to the left as he deepened the kiss, hearing a lovely gasp from the medium-haired girl that tickled his chest and feeling her arms wrapping around his neck. Separating from her, his half-lidded eyes took in her flushed face and brushed his nose against hers.

"For an inexperienced person, you sure know how to make me breathless with your kisses," Yukimi told him as she composed herself with breathing deeply, her face still flushing at the intensity of Kuroo's stare. "Where did you even learn that?"

A smirk was then made its way on Kuroo's lips, which was glinting with a light sheen from Yukimi's lip balm. "So you're saying that I'm a good kisser?" he cheekily asked.

The dark-haired girl looked at the middle blocker flatly before reaching out a hand to gently wipe the lip balm from his lips since nobody knew where they were right now.

"You and your vain tendencies, I swear," Yukimi told him, causing him to laugh out his unique cackle. She assumed that Kuroo might have excused himself from the gymnasium to check up on her while she was making the phone call with her mother. Right now, they were just next to the entrance of the gym, overlooking the grassy hill of the penalty drills. Yukimi could only imagine their libero's face if he knew he snuck out to give her a kiss or two. After diligently wiping off the lip balm, which was thankfully erased from Kuroo's mouth, and yet the scent of watermelon stayed, the Karasuno team went outside to execute the penalty drills ー again. Maybe they didn't notice the couple glancing at them while they ran up the hill but it worried Yukimi when Tsukishima lagged behind his team, his breath coming out in pants. "I'm worried about him."

"Who?" Kuroo asked, craning his head to take a good look at the sprinting team. "Sawamura-kun?"

The said boy was standing atop the hill, waiting for his team members to finish their drills. He looked like he wasn't tired at all, something that Kuroo respected since even running can make him catch his breath. Puzzled at this, the messy-haired boy shifted his eyes among Daichi's team to sight which of them Yukimi was worried about. It might not be that shrimpy ginger since Kuroo could see that he has some energy left to spare but he couldn't deny that Yukimi gained a soft spot for the animated middle blocker, judging from the times he caught them talking to each other randomly during breaks. Technically, all of Karasuno's members looked like they could go another round of practice matches and penalty drills so he turned his head back on Yukimi's face to curiously weigh where the girl's eyes were planted at.

"No," the dark-haired girl shook her head. "Daichi can run around all his life and still be going strong for years. I mean, have you seen his body?" Yukimi gestured at the aforementioned boy with a nod.

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