The Handler (NEW OC ALERT)

Start from the beginning

"He'd smash your precious briefcase to a pulp" Five smirked.  Eight tried her best to hear what those three were talking about while staying in the car, but failed (and reading lips wasn't her ability.)

"And us too, right?" The man questioned (the question sounding more like a true statement.) "so how do we help each other?"

"I need you to contact your superior" Five answered. "I need to chat with her. Face-to-face."

"About what?" The woman asked, an eyebrow rose. Eight sighed in aggravation has she couldn't hear what anyone was saying. Does Five really expect her to stay inside the car? Eight glanced at both the three who were having a conversation and Luther who was still standing there, hands clenched into fists. They al were to distracted to notice her. As long as she stays quiet, no one will notice.

Eight took a deep breath both in and out as she made her way to the drivers seat, only to slowly open the door. Five claims to be smart when he did not lock any of the doors to make sure his sister stayed inside. Eight smirked at that thought has she slowly made her way out, immediately crouching down to make herself more smaller. She slowly shut the door, not completely shutting it in fear it makes a loud noise, gaining her brother and the other's attention. She quickly made her way behind the car, making sure to stay on the low so she wouldn't get caught.

"Just don't tell her about the briefcase" the woman replied to whatever Five has answered with. Her? Who was this her?

"Fair enough" Five replied. Eight still couldn't hear a good bit of what they were saying. Her curiosity got the best of her, and like they say, "curiosity killed the cat." She moved more forward, crouching only inches away from Luther, more seeable.

The woman glanced over Five's shoulder, with a curious yet still serious look. "Who is that?" She pointed out. Five rose a brow, tilting his head before looking over his shoulder. The boy's eyes widened.

"Eight" he sighed in aggravation. "Give me a second, will ya?" The woman and man glanced at each other as Five made his way towards his sister. Luther finally realized why Five was annoyed once he finally turned around. "What are you doing?" Five asked, in a loud whisper. "You do understand that these two are dangerous?! That they could kill you?"

Eight crossed her arms over her chest, looking quite annoyed herself. "You do realize that I can take care of myself?!" Oh, her brother was on thin ice. "Also, interesting fact, dear brother of mine, I am technically older then you despite my physical age, and I can fend for myself, thank you very much."

Five tried to keep his temper down, as did Eight. Neither of them wanted to have a fight in the middle of nowhere, when their was more important shit to do, but neither of them could help it when blue electricity surrounded Five's fist, and Fire surrounding Eight's. "Guys.." Luther called out.

"Shut up!" Both Five and Eight yelled.

"So, sis, you really wanna fight me, right now?" Five questioned, his voice sounding dangerously low.

All the sudden, Eight's entire body turned into fire. "Hell yeah, I do" Eight replied, her voice the same level. Luther watched has the two siblings stared at each other. He wanted to break this up giving they have more important matters to attend to at this second, but he did not wanna risk getting in the middle of that. The man and woman looked at their watches, wondering when they can get their damn briefcase and get the hell out.

"We don't have time for this" the woman pointed out before walking towards Luther, grabbing the briefcase forcefully. The two siblings (who were doing nothing but stare, waiting for each other to make the next move) finally calmed down (meaning Five's hands stop being glow-y and Eight's body stopped being fire-y.)  They watched has the woman walked towards her partner with the case.  That wasn't the only thing that got their attention. Not so far away from where they were standing was the sounds of an ice cream truck. All five rose a brow as they looked over their shoulders. In the not so far distance was, in fact, a random ice cream truck. The hell?

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