The Handler (NEW OC ALERT)

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Eight waited has her brothers tried to come up with a good reason why she couldn't tag along. Despite her tiny body, she had the powers and abilities to fend for herself, not like she was weak. Five sighed in aggravation as he found no true reason why his sister couldn't join him and Luther. Yes, it was dangerous, but she could defend herself.

"Luther?" Five sighed, looking at the biggest person in the building. "I think we should let her tag along." This reply made Eight smile (which somewhat looked like a smirk.) "I can't find any reason why she shouldn't."

"Me either" Luther replied. "She's your sister, though. You make the call." Five stared at his sister (physically younger.) The old timer did not wanna admit he cared for any of his siblings, but he did. He just figured out he has a biological sister that has powers herself and is in somewhat of the same state he was.  What if something happened? After all, she wasn't well trained with her powers has the rest were. Hell, she didn't know she had powers til two days ago.

But he knew she would probably sneakingly follow them.

"Fine" Five sighed. "You can come, but you are to stay out of our way and stay out of trouble, got it." Eight smiles at her brother before giving him a nod in response. Why did Five already regret his decision?


The middle of nowhere.

That's where Luther and Five were heading, or so it seemed. Eight chilled in the back, watching the grass and road pass through the window. Why were they being dramatic when she wanted to tag along? There's nothing dangerous in the middle of nowhere, though when they got up a hill, it seems they weren't the only one going to the middle of nowhere.

A black, shiny van was parked in the middle of the road. Has far as Eight could see, there seemed to be two people standing up against the van. Is these the douche's they were planning on meeting? They seemed harmless! Five (who was the one driving) parked the car a few feet away from the van before turning the car off. "Now, Eight, stay in the car" Five looked back at his sister. "Stay out of trouble." And with that, Five and Luther made their way outside, Luther carrying the mysterious suit case.

Eight made her way in the front of the passenger side, trying to get a better look at these suspicious people and the action. The two strangers made their way towards Luther and Five. All four having serious faces on.

"If this all goes sideways" Five started, staring at Luther. "Do me a favor and tell Delores I'm sorry." Five glanced at his physically younger sibling watching from in the car. "And also, tell my sister I'm sorry." Luther didn't know how else to respond but with a silent nod. Five decided to walk more toward the two, Luther (with the brief case) standing next to the car.

"So, where is it, kid?" the woman questioned, not wanting to waste anymore of their time.

Five gave them a smirk and hollow giggle. "So THATS how you're gonna start?"Five asked, his hands in pockets. "You know, we can get right back in our car and call it a day." Almost instantly as he finished that sentence, the woman pulled out a gun from her holster.

"You won't even make it half way there" she threatened, pointing the gun right at Five's forehead. Luther steps one step forward, ready to jump in and protect his brother if need be.

"Maybe" Five replied. "But as I'm sure you found out in your previous foray, my brother is not your average giant." Five glanced back at Luther (which is who he was referring too), reminding them about last night.

"He's right" The man told his partner. "You dropped a chandelier on him, he got right back up." The woman glanced at Five, and then at his brother.

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