✨Loss and Grieve✨

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WARNING: this contains mentioning of death

Read with caution!
Tommy never thought he'd be the uncle to his bestest friend's son. Tommy never thought he'd be an uncle to anyone, let alone a zombified piglin. But as time went on, he found being the young three year old's uncle being quiet enjoyable.

What wasn't to enjoy? He got to babysit the kid, at least, once a week. This meant he got to teach another being his ways. The Tommy way.  The Tommy way included pranking, swearing, and a lot of other things (that he will not teach the child until he's old enough.) At first, Ranboo and Tubbo was felt kinda iffy allowing Tommy to teach their son how to swear and prank people, but their son was so happy with his uncle Tommy. They couldn't just take him away.

Besides, it wasn't has if the teen was a negative influence on the boy. Tommy has proven that he's only taught Micheal the non-physical or mentally harmful pranks, and with the swearing, they didn't care that much anyways. So why would they take Micheal away from his uncle?

Ever since him and Micheal got close, he considered Micheal part of his family. And one thing about Tommy and his family is that he is willing to die for them.

And when he says he's willing to die for his family...

...He meant it.

Micheal doesn't remember much from their walk due to all the distractions that were around him.

All he remembers was him and Uncle Tommy walking in the woods to find fire for the fireplace, cause it was starting to get chilly once again in the house. Nothing seemed to be wrong or out of place. Unfortunately, their walk had suddenly came to a stop. Uncle Tommy had swore he heard a noise behind the bushes. Has his Uncle's worries grew and Tommy got a good grip onto Michael's hand, Micheal wasn't concerned at all. For all they knew, it was just a cutesy woodland critter.

"Uncle Tommy, why did we stop?" Micheal looked up at his uncle with big, bright eyes.

Tommy took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. Trying to assure himself that no one was watching. Not wanting to scare the boy, he had given him a quick "nothing, Mike...let's keep going. We still have much more wood to find." And they kept going, but slower.

Until once again, they stopped.

Michael looked up at his uncle once more, feeling his grip tighten more. "Uncle Tommy? Is evewything alwight?" The three year old questioned. No response. His uncle was looking at something straight in front of them, but what? Micheal remembers seeing a strange figure in the distance. It was to far for his eyes to see.

But even though he,himself, couldn't see it, Tommy knew all to well who it was. He didn't trust this figure at all, and it was staring at them. No, wait. It was staring at Micheal. The uncle and nephew duo swore they saw something in the figures hands. It looked sharp, as if it was a sword. It probably was. This was a warning sign for Uncle Tommy. The figure was looking at his nephew with a sword in hand.

Was he the one who followed them? Tommy knew they were being watched after like five minutes out of the house. He was just thinking and hoping it was his paranoia. Tommy hid Micheal behind his back has he noticed the figure moving closer towards them. This felt to much like a horror movie, which was Tommy's cue to get Micheal out of here.

"Micheal..I have to show you something" Tommy kept a hawk eye on the moving figure. He grabbed Micheal's hand, having it in a soft, tight grip. "It's this way." Tommy soon softly drug the Piglin through the direction they had just come from. Was he gonna just head home? No. That thing may follow them home. Tommy knew if he needed to fight this thing, he has to do it right after he finds Micheal a great place to hide.

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