"Oklahoma<West Virginia"

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"Relch.. That's my baby's username.".

I smiled and grabbed my phone to give him a ring. After a few seconds I heard his melting voice.. I would get the flutterflys in my tummy and smile until my cheeks would hurt.

"Hey Hun.".

He said in a calm voice. I could tell he was smiling because he laughed after he said it.

"Hey darling.".

I was able to say, he always stunned me.

"I think it's time we actually meet babe... I got my permit today.. I know it's not legal what so ever but.. I'm going to drive to West Virginia baby. I need to see your beautiful face.".

I literally died As he spoke those words..

"What the hell is he thinking.".

I thought..

At that moment I heard a car start, preferably his dads Honda Civic.

"What.. What are you doing?".

I whispered, thinking his parents would hear.. Even though the car was louder than my soft voice

"It's happening baby, I can finally pick you up and swing you around, or kiss you as you fall asleep in my arms.. ".

He said in his sweet voice.

I even knew I wanted this to happen.. It's just I couldn't believe a 15 year old was able to risk everything just to kiss me.

"I'm coming, okay baby?".

I said trying to hurry before my parents noticed I left. I must be fucking crazy..

"I love you."

My beautiful girl whispered.

I could tell she was crying as she whispered that.. Why would she be upset.. Does she secretly not love me?

"Hun.. What's wrong, why are you crying.. I don't have to leave. I can stay home.".

"No.. It's nothing you did baby. I'm just, so nervous and anxious to see you for the first time..".

She was able to choke up, with small pauses.

"I'll be there soon baby.".

I smiled and said. I couldn't wait to see my princess's face.. I can grab it and and kiss her, or cuddle with her.. Anything she wants. I'll give her. Whatever makes my girl happy.

"I'm so insane..".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2015 ⏰

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