Chapter 8

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taemin walked home as he opened the door to his house, he walked in shutting the door behind him. he took his shoes off, put his bag down, he walked into the living room as he flopped down o to the couch, he laid there thinking to himself before drifting off to sleep..

°Time Skip°

it is now 10:05pm, he woke up yawning, he sat up rubbing his eyes, he checked what time it was, he sighed getting up, stretching, he walked into the kitchen, he made him a glass of water sitting down onto the counter, he took small sips of his water as he played a song called heather, it reminded him of his ex, his ex was key, they were together for 4 years, taemin was so in love with key, but key was in love with someone else.... not with his boyfriend anymore.. that hurt taemin alot, he started crying as he sang along  remembering everything, their memories together all the way til he noticed key was in love with someone else, sad part... he still loves key..

°taemin singing°
(btw, i changed some words)

I still remember
Third of December
Me in your sweater
You said it looked better
On me, than it did you
Only if you knew
How much I liked you
But I watch your eyes, as he

Walks by
What a sight for
Sore eyes
Brighter than a
Blue sky
He's got you
While I die

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half, as pretty
You gave him your sweater
It's just polyester, but you like him better
Wish I were Heather

taemin stopped singing as he was now full on sobbing, he threw the glass at the wall he was pissed and hurt, he screamed loudly " WHY?!?! WHY DID U LEAVE ME?! WAS I NOT GOOD ENOUGH?! DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG?!  WAS IT MY FAULT?! IM SORRY... IF IT WAS... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! SO WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO CHOOSE HIM OVER ME?! WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER FOR 4 YEARS! YET YOU CHOSE HIM!  I HATE YOU! "

he fell down onto his knees, crying hard, he punched the floor as hard as he can couple times til his knuckles startes bruising and bleeding, he stopped as he curled up covering his face, he soon enough fell asleep on the kitchens floor.

°time skip°

it was now 4:03am, he woke up sniffling, he got up not bothering to clean anything as he walked upstairs, he walked into his bedroom, he changee into his outfit, he fixed his hair, washed his face then did makeup.  he walked back down stairs, he grabbes his bag, put his shoes on, grabbing his keys, he left the house, locking up as he got into his car, he drove off to school, he parked once he reached the school grounds, he stayed in his car til school was starting. he took a nap for a while.

°time skip°

it is now 6:04am, he woke up yawning, he rubbed his eyes, checking the time as he got out of his car, he made sure to lock his car as he walked to the schools doors, he walked in to the school, heading towards his locker, putting his stuff away expect for the things he needs for his first period.

as he walked into his first period, he immediately went ro his seat, sat down and put his things down, he sighed as he waited for others to come in, as it turned 6:20am, other students started coming in, talking to their friends, they all took their seats, still talking as taemin had his head on his desk, yoongi came in, walking to his seat, noticing taemin, he sat down as he watched taemin til the teacher came in, he paid attention to the teacher as he took small glancea at taemin.


imma end this one here.., sorry if its short! im really tired 🥺 hope ya like it! 💕

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