His parents saved for their son to make sure he had a bright future planned, they had it all set. He'd graduate from school and go on to law school to become a criminal lawyer but they also knew their son loved photography so they'd let him minor in that so if he ever gets tired of being a lawyer, he'd have something to fall back on.

Jason grew up sheltered from the world with a steady schedule, nannies and after school activities but all too soon things would take a turn and poor Jason would have to face the world alone.

One night turned his perfect world full of happiness and color upside down making it grey and cold and the sweet innocent little boy would turn into a disruptive, evil shell of himself with no respect for authority or humanity.

It was a warm yet dreary night in Charlotte, North Carolina and the McCann family was driving home from church. It was raining and the roads were wet, the family of three were happy as can be. Kirk was driving, Lily was in the front seat rubbing her four month belly as Jason shared his day at school.

"So then Derek told Ms. Carlson that he really had to pee and she wouldn't let him get out of line and he peed his pants" Six year old Jason giggled

"Oh, that poor boy" Lily cooed

"Wait it get better" He choked out

"Then tell it son" Kirk chuckled

"So, he didn't tell anyone he peed and then this pretty girl Jocelyn slipped in it and fell" He burst out laughing

"Oh my gosh" Lily gasped trying not to laugh

Kirk laughed at his son's story.

"What goes on at that school Jason? You always have stories to tell" Kirk asked with a chuckle

"It just happens dad" He sighed with a shrug

Lily shook her head but the laughter soon stopped when Lily noticed something off

"Kirk do you see that car?"

Kirk focused where his wife's eyes were and saw a car in the distance driving on the opposite side of the road but it was slightly swerving.

"Kirk I don't like that" Lily said starting to panic

"It'll be okay babe I'll drive a little faster to pass them"

"No Kirk stop he or she doesn't have control of the car!" She shouted

A confused Jason tried to see what his parents were seeing but he couldn't

"Honey I can't just stop" Kirk said now panicked

The swerving got more out of control scaring both Lily and Kirk as the car began swerving in and out of both lanes.

"Kirk just try to pass him hun" Lily said trying to stay calm


Kirk sped up a bit and just as he was about to pass the unstable car


The car smashes into Kirk's side of the vehicle making him lose control

The car smashes into Kirk's side of the vehicle making him lose control

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