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Jason watched carefully as they landed the plane. "This is too easy," he muttered to Damian.

Damian, who was strapping a pair of katanas to his back, nodded sagely. "I agree. We must proceed with caution. It will do us no good if we die before we even enter the building."

"All set?" Rachel asked, suddenly appearing in the doorway. But if she'd been hoping to scare the two boys, she was sadly mistaken. After all, these two had grown up with both the Batman and Dick. They were used to people appearing suddenly.

"Yes." Damian finished with his katanas, double checked that his boots were tightly laced, and straightened. "We need to be careful. More likely than not, this is a trap."

Garfield snorted from the back of the plane. "Yeah, right. They don't even know we're coming."

"The League knows everything," Damian stated coldly. "Believe me, they know we are here, whether they were expecting us or not."

Jaime rolled his eyes. "Please, we came in on stealth mode. No one knows we're here." Jaime and Gar slammed open the door and promptly almost got their faces blown off by guns manned by the League of Assassins.

Jason chuckled dryly. "Have fun!" Damian, leading Dick by the hand, Tim, Jason, Jon, and Lois all exited the plane from a hidden hatch underneath the pilot's seat while the Titans tried to block the fire coming at them from the League.

Lois glanced back as they began sneaking towards the compound. "Should we help them?"

"And bruise their fragile little egos?" Jason cackled. "Trust me, this is way more fun."

Jon was quivering with excitement. "When are they going to start shooting at me?"

"If I have anything to say about it, never." Lois gripped Jon firmly by the shoulder to dissuade him from flying over to the assassins and asking them to shoot him. It wouldn't have been the first time he'd pulled something like that.

"Come on." Damian led the way around the back of the complex. "There should be a tunnel somewhere around here."

"And you know this because?" Tim asked curiously as, lo and behold, there was a tunnel exactly where Damian had said there would be.

"Because this is the compound where I grew up," Damian said matter-of-factly. "Now come on. The Titans can only draw fire for so long."


"This is awesome!" Jon flew ahead in the tunnel before swooping back to where Damian was creeping along. "Come on, Dami, there's nothing in this tunnel to be scared of!"

Damian rolled his eyes. "Only if you can fly. For those of us restricted to the ground, there are trip wires everywhere."

Jon blinked. "Huh. I guess I didn't think of that."

"Of course you did not. Not everyone can be raised by assassins."

"Something we can all be grateful for," Lois reminded them. "No offense, Damian."

"None taken. Not all of us can be raised on a farm."

"Living with Bruce was like living in a cesspool. Does that count?" Jason called from his place at the back of the group. An immediate "ouch" sounded from him as Lois, who was directly in front of him, smacked him.

"Be nice. Bruce has his good qualities."

Jason looked like he'd just been hit with a truck. "Like what?"

"Like . . . he is very generous."

"Uh huh," Jason snorted. "Keep thinking."

"Everyone shut up," Damian hissed. "We are about to emerge."

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