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Jason stared deep into Dick's bright blue eyes. But the eyes staring back were not those of his happy-go-lucky brother. Instead they were of a stranger, and a very vacant stranger at that. He sighed and turned away, leaving Dick to play with the paper and colored pencils that he had given him. Dick had always loved drawing, though he wasn't the best artist.

Jason sighed deeply, wishing for the millionth time that someone was around to help him. Bruce might be paying for their room and board, but he was still left with Dick's care completely. He silently cursed the fate that had caused his phone to die, and therefore be unable to call the Demon Brat, Tim, or the girls for help.

"Where are you guys when I actually need you?" Jason hissed at the dirty dish water. He sighed and finished the dishes. He had discovered that not only did Dick understand basic commands, but if given a strict schedule he could stick to it all right, though it was essentially limited to eating pre-prepared meals and bathing. Although the one thing that Dick did on his own without prompting was gymnastics. Whatever Talia had done to wipe him had been a very odd method indeed.

Dick wandered into the kitchen, breaking into Jason's train of thought.

"Hey, Dickiebird. Whatcha got there?" He motioned to the piece of paper in Dick's hand.

Dick gave him a vacant smile and handed over the paper. On it was a lovely sketch of Damian in his Robin costume. All the details were there, like Dick had simply thrown a memory on the page. Jason had never seen Dick draw anything so detailed.

"It's just right." Jason gave his brother a sad smile.

Dick gave him a questioning look and motioned to the drawing. Staring at it again, Jason realized the purpose to the drawing. "You want to know where Damian is?" Dick nodded enthusiastically, and Jason sighed. "To tell you the truth, I don't know." Dick's face fell, and he wandered back into the living room where he began drawing again.

"Come on, Demon, where are you?"
Damian sat at his computer, trying to figure out his problem. It had been almost four months since he'd heard from Dick, or Jason for that matter. He'd questioned Bruce about it, of course, but he might as well have been talking to the Sphinx itself for all the answers he got.

"Hey," a soft voice said behind him.

Damian didn't turn around. "Something is wrong about this situation."

Rachel sighed as she sat down next to Damian. "Dami, I don't know what to tell you."

He sighed in frustration, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. "It's been four months, Rach. We're talking about the guy who drove all the way here from Bludhaven when he didn't hear from me for a couple of days. He's never gone under the radar for this long without talking to me."

Rachel gently rubbed his back, leaning against him. "What are you going to do?"

"What can I do? Father won't tell me anything, and I can't get a hold of Drake, Todd, or the girls. And Alfred is busy helping Artemis and Jade out with the kids with Wally out of commission so he doesn't know what's going on. 'Bout the only thing I can do is head over to Gotham and find the truth for myself."

Rachel sighed. She'd known what he would have to do, but a part of her had hoped he wouldn't go. In the almost three years since Damian had joined the Titans, they'd become very close, and while they'd never actually become "official," they both knew how the other felt. Damian was never very showy about his feelings, but there were enough small gestures to let her know.

"Are you coming back?" She asked quietly.

Damian sighed, turning to her for the first time since she entered his room. "I don't know." He kissed her forehead. "I'll let you know one way or another, though."

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