A Package from Fred

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Rose's paranoia was starting to get the best of her - Scorpius was still looking to pay her back for the hair, which thus far showed no sign of fading. She stuck to Albus like a bur on the way down to breakfast the next morning, and when the two sat down with James and Roxanne, Rose made very sure that her back was away from the Slytherin table.

Albus was clearly amused by her nervousness. "Maybe it would be good for you to get a taste of your own medicine."

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said, reaching for one of the platters loaded with pancakes with strawberries and blueberries on top of them. "Do you know what he's talking about?" she asked Roxanne, who forced a very unconvincing look of innocence on her face when she shook her head.

"Whatever." On the bright side, at least Albus seemed to be approaching the whole thing with relatively good humor for the moment. "Maybe I should just sit back and laugh while you two jinx each other into oblivion, as long as it's not in my presence. It seems like it would be easier than wishing you would get along."

"I still don't see what Malfoy's on about, I was with you all morning Monday." Rose stuffed the first bite into her mouth and closed her eyes at the taste flooded her mouth; Hogwarts food always managed to be so good.

"Yes, well, unfortunately, he's under the impression that you have cousins who would be happy to stand in for you while you're off having an alibi," Albus said dryly.

Roxanne and James looked at each other.

"Do you think he's talking about us?" she asked.

"Couldn't be," James said. "We never break the rules."

"Sure you don't."

James's face took on an expression of deepest hurt. "Is my little brother accusing me of being a liar?"

"Yes, he is." Albus speared a piece of sausage and popped it in his mouth.

"Tsk, tsk. Family should stick together, Albie."

He swallowed and was opening his mouth to respond to Roxanne when the morning post began to flood in. Rose glanced up and saw Hazel gliding toward them, with two other owls and a large package in tow. After they dropped it in front of Rose, Hazel landed in front of Albus, who gave her a treat and stroked her feathers.

"What the hell is all that?" he asked.

"Fred." Rose took the envelope attached to the package and opened it.


Hope your first few weeks back have gone well. Good to hear that you've already gotten into some sort of trouble. I was afraid your prefect badge would stop you from having any fun. I'll want to hear more about it your first Hogsmeade weekend. (Or before.)

Dad's actually developed a new line of shield charms that will be hitting the shelves in October. There have been a lot of requests for something unobtrusive. I included a few - you can never be too safe!

I also tossed in a few things in the package that should make your week a little brighter. Share them around with Rox and James and the rest. Make sure to give Al some of the snackboxes.

All my best,


P.S. Practice is good for you. Tell James I approve.

Roxanne began to tear into the package, and James yelled down the table, "Lily! Go grab Hugo and get down here!" His sister obeyed with alacrity, and some second years scooted down to make room for them. "Someone should go get Louis and Lucy, too," he said belatedly.

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