Forgive Me?

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Haven't Updated this one in a while have I? I apologise. I have just felt no motivation to write in here and I am running low on ideas. I have somewhat of a plan but I need more filling events. Anyway I hope you enjoy this one even though it's really bad.

Dec awoke so the sound of running water in their rented house. Dec got up and walked tiredly and yawning to the lounge by the kitchen. He looked to see Ant putting water in the kettle for Tea. Ant looked up and saw Dec. He smiled at him warmly.

"Good Morning." He said to Dec happily.

"Why are you acting so cheery? Yesterday was a disaster." Dec said and Ant sighed.

"Well what did you expect? You know how I felt about my father..."

"Yeah I just never thought that It would happen to me. How could I abandon them like that?" Dec said sadly and filled with guilt.

Ant noticed this and decided to change subject. He really wanted to have a conversation about it, but it was still to raw so Ant decided to give it time. "So, the tabloids are having a field day..." Ant said when he brought two cups of tea to the lounge.

"I'm not surprised." Dec retorted. "What are they saying?"

"Um well they talked a little bit about the incident with you and Isla, but mostly they are just reporting that we are back." Ant replied.

"Well that's good."

"I bet they are going to start making some awful shit up soon though."

"Yes, Well, Until then what should we do?" Dec asked.

"Well I have a few errands I need to run, how about you stay here."

"Oh Okay. When will you be back?"

"It's about 9:00 right now, so... Hopefully by 10, maybe a little later."

"Alright, Be safe." Dec said.

"I will leave in about 10 minutes, I just have to change real quick."

"'kay." Dec said and then smiled at Ant.

Dec waited flicking through the various channels on the telly until he heard Ant's footsteps.

"Bye Dec."

"Bye Ant. Keep your phone on yeah?"

"Of course. See you later."

Ant left and Dec flopped back down onto the sofa and sighing deeply. Out of nowhere Dec heard his phone ping and he narrowed his eyes when he saw a message from an unsaved phone number.

Meet me outside the back of the palladium by the end of the hour.

Dec wasn't sure if he should go but at the same time he was concerned of what would happen if he didn't go. So he slipped on a coat and some shoes and walked out of the house.

Ant stopped Dec's car in front of a small but nice house. He took a deep breath before stepping warily towards the door. He went to knock but hesitated and thought of all the consequences that came with doing this. Oh Screw It... He thought and knocked on the door urgently and waited for a response. In a matter of seconds, he heard small footsteps coming towards him. He looked at the door creaked opened and Ant was confused to see no one there until he looked down and saw Isla staring up at him with adorable eyes.

"Isla! What have I told you about opening the door without my permission?!"

"Sorry Mummy. There's that man here."

"What man?"

Ant smiled at the little girl.

"The one from the theatre!"

"Which one?"

Isla turned to Ant and studied him before turning around to yell back to her mother.

"The tall one with the big forehead!" She said and Ant laughed. He heard a sigh from behind the door and waited patiently.

"Thank you Isla. Go to your room please."

"Am I in trouble?"

"No Honey." Ali said as she approached the door. "Why don't you go in my room and watch a movie? I will call you down later for brunch at 10."

"Okay mummy. I love you!" She said happily before Ali leaned down and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Love you too sweetheart."

Ali turned to Ant and invited him inside. Ant nodded his head at her.

"Would you like a cup of tea Ant?" Ali asked.

"No. I had one before I left to come here."

Ali walked to Ant and gestured for him to sit on the sofa and he did.

"Why are you here Ant?" Ali asked, although Ant had a feeling that she already knew.

"I think you and Isla should try to fix things with Dec." Ant said and Ali sighed.

"I want to do that, but I don't know about Isla... I mean she was just born and then he left just like that. I mean I know he wasn't in his right mind but I don't know how he could do that to a baby."

"I know what you mean Al, I mean my father left my family when I was young. You know that, I would never think that Dec could do that either. We tried so hard at forgetting each other, and ended up forgetting ourselves. We are so important in each others lives that we have different identities without each other. I mean the only reason we are back together is because Dec went to his old storage space and found all our awards and pictures. He suddenly remembered it all. I mean I barely survived without him, when he found me I was near death. Ali I know that Isla may take more time to forgive him, but you have to talk to him first." Ant replied hoping that Ali would understand.

Ali looked at him and nodded. "You are right, but I can't forgive him just like that. I loved him so much Ant, I still do. Not only did you lose Dec, but I lost him too. The love of my life, The father to my child, I was so depressed for long. Hoping that he would come back and be part of our lives again. But eventually I just had to forget about him. I was so angry that I told Isla about how sad he made me and at that point in time I wanted her to hate him. I regret it now though."

Ant smiled at Ali sympathetically and decided to make small talk with her until she called Isla down for Brunch. Ali invited him to stay but Ant declined.

"Sorry Pet. Best get back to Declan before he does something stupid." He said with an affectionate smile.

"Alright. Get going then. He really is a danger magnet."

"Tell me about it!" Ant laughed before waving goodbye and stepping into the cold London air. He got into Dec's car and drove back to the Air B&B.

He turned the key in the door and stepped inside. "Hey Dec I'm back!" Ant shouted and waited for a response when he got none he called out again. "Dec?"

"Declan!" he said starting to get worried for his slightly smaller friend.

Ant pulled out his cellphone and dialled Dec's number and swore when Dec didn't respond. "Dec come on this isn't funny..."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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