When Rebbie came to, she opened the paper and found the drawing, knowing it must have been a sign of where she was meant to go. The single name written on it was one her brother doodled when lost in deep thought, one he boasted and spoke incessantly about to his family and to his people.


Rebbie focused back on her siblings. Beside Latoya was Marlon, who squinted his eyes and leaned closer to get a better look of the book, to which the former pushed his head away, hissing, "You're blocking my sight, you moron!"

Janet slowed her step, in the middle of Rebbie and the other two. "What is inside?"

"Well," the lady said, throwing her black hair over her shoulder whence a breeze came past, "most of the pages are of drawings - some of nature, anatomy or random appliances I cannot identify - I suspect they're Earthly appliances. I managed to find notes scrawled on some of the pages. This one, for instance, speaks of Montgomery."

"And?" Rebbie asked.

Marlon butted his head in Latoya's line of sight, spurring a few insults from her.

He read, "It says: Although at first, I was weary of this Monty woman, I have quickly grown attached to her. She reminds me of what home should be, of a life where I needn't worry about the past any longer. She is patient and kind. Where others would have turned me away, she nurtured me back to health, provided me food and shelter. She cleansed me, and makes me feel more than an anguished soul. I am Michael. Not Ehmowa's prisoner, nor the forgotten king, but Michael.

"Earlier today, she protected me, and I came to a realization that she is not like the others I have trusted. She is loyal to me, she worries incessantly over my well-being and she spoils me rotten with gifts. Maybe Earth is different in that way. Or maybe that is just the way of Montgomery Darling.

"Yet, despite these observations, I cannot bring myself to show her what I'm capable of. I fear she will leave or betray me, as the others did before her. I have nothing to lose now, except her company. I must treasure this companionship for as long as I can before the truth is known. Earth is not Yuhnayeh. I am an alien here, and if there's one rule that is universal, it is that aliens are unwelcome."

Their mouths wired shut.

Latoya added, "There are many more passages after this. I haven't read them yet."

Pondering on her brother's words, Rebbie voiced aloud: "I wonder what it is she protected him from?"

Whilst rubbing her arm, Janet's head dipped. "If I recall correctly, Michael had been antagonized in a public market, labeled a villain because of his child-like tendencies. They deemed him something that..." She shook her head. "That could only be described as even more evil than Ehmowa."

They winced.

A house shone in the distance, a mere silhouette beyond the trees.

Rebbie shut her eyes, a trail of pink tulips alighting in her mind's eye, leading to it. She looked at her siblings and pointed at the building. "Over there!" she said. "We've arrived."

They wasted no time, hurrying to the opening of the woods where the road began.

The first to comment on the house's state was Latoya.

"What in heaven's name?" Her nose scrunched up, as she stared down the horde of dragonflies that had consumed the building. One buzzed through her hair, making her squeal, her hand forming a dagger which she used to slice the insect in half.

The others swatted at them, fearful of what they were capable of. "What are these creatures?" Janet asked, jerking back as wings brushed her arms.

""I'm not sure." Marlon caught one between his fingers, but before he was able to get a good glimpse, it escaped his grasp. "I see wings, compound eyes and a long abdomen. What a strange creature!"

Starry Wonders: Dreams of the PastWhere stories live. Discover now