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3rd POV (with Fairy Tail)

After their meeting with Dragon Mask Fairy Tail walk back to their Hotel

Natsu: Man I'm all fired up for the grand magic games. I'm gotta beat that wolf guy to the ground

Gray: Don't sound all cocky Natsu. That guy took your attacks head on without taking damage

Erza: And his much faster than you and has more strength than you

Lucy: Why am I hear anyway? Shouldn't you have pick someone else?

Erza: Gajeel and Juvia are on a personal quest that was given to them by Master and Laxus is out on a quest with the thunder legion and they'll only be here on the forth day. Wendy was on a quest and she'll be here on the second day. So you have to hold on to the first day Lucy

Lucy: Man this sucks

Gray: Don't worry Lucy we won last time and we'll win again

Natsu: Hey Gildarts you seem to be thinking really hard on something what is it?

Gildarts: Does dragon mask guys

Erza: What about them?

Gildarts: There gonna be a huge obstacle for us

Gray: What do you mean?

Gildarts: Their strong might be the strongest team this year

Natsu: Come on Gildarts with you on our team we'll win this

Gildarts: Not true

Lucy: Huh?

Gildarts: I'll show you back at the hotel

In hotel

Natsu: So what is it?

Gildarts: Look at this

Gildarts opens up a book and puts it in the middle of the table where everyone was sitting at

Gildarts: Two of those guys are wizard saints

Erza+Gray+Lucy+Natsu: (Gasp)

Gildarts: The red haired guy thats Lamone Archer his the 8th wizard Saint and the girl is Elizabeth Taylor the 7th wizard Saint

Gray: They got two wizard saints?

Erza: That will cause a problem

Lucy: Can I go home now?

Makorov: This will be our toughest challenge yet

Erza: Oh hello there Master

Lucy: Were you there the whole time?

Makorov: I did some research on that guild since last night and they're a force to be reckoned with

Lucy: They're that strong!?

Makorov: Yes unlike us they have wizard saints and an s class wizard

Natsu: Is Asuna the s class?

Makorov: No

Gray: Then that tall guy?

Makorov: Nope

Erza: Then...


Makorov: Indeed

Gray: Well did you learn about their magic?

Makorov: Only three of them. Moses Drakenson is the earth dragon slayer

Erza: So his like Natsu?

Dragon Mask (Fairytailxreader)Where stories live. Discover now