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++Dreves POV++

Me and Puck were walking back to our guilds private hotel.

Puck: What's wrong Captain?

Dreves: I'm still wondering why we couldn't get any information about those other two members and the guild master as well. (Sighs)

Puck: Don't worry about it too much Captain. When we get back to the hotel we'll have a snack. How does that sound?

Dreves: That was my initial plan

Me and Puck finally arrive at our hotel and are greeted by the rest of the guild

R.M: Welcome back Captain

R.M: Captain come drink with us~

R.M: Don't listen to them Captain. Come join us

Dreves: Thanks but I'll be eating alone tonight

R.M: Then what about tomorrow?

R.M: You ladies leave him alone

R.M: Make us!

Dreves: (Sighs)

I take a seat and Puck sits next to me

???: Hungry Captain?

I look up and see our guilds bartender Shiloh. She has light brown hair and light brown eyes (not hazel) she was wearing a white collar shirt and a black dress with a black tie. She also had a black beret on.

Dreves: Hey Shiloh. Just a meat sandwich

Shiloh: (takes out notepad) Meat sandwich. And you Puck?

Puck: I've been craving some calamari lately. Could I have some

Shiloh: No problem (writes in her notepad) Alright I'll have it ready in just a moment

Puck: Thanks Shiloh

++3rd POV++

Shiloh walks to the kitchen

??: Evening Captain

The guild member throws a punch at Dreves but Dreves blocked it. The impact however was able to blow a few desk and guild members back. The guy had light brown hair and yellow eyes. He was wearing a black button up jacket and black pants and sandles

Dreves: Why hello there Schefer

Schefer: Still being lazy as ever

Dreves: Still being bicthy as ever

Schefer:  I am not a bitch!

Dreves: Yeah whatever. Did you find anything useful?

Schefer: (takes chair and sits down) Everything I give you is useful. Without me you wouldn't have gotten all your information.

Dreves: Bla bla bla down to business

Schefer: Yeah. (Puts documents on the table) this is about our good friend Chains

Dreves: What is it? (Begins opening)

Schefer: A criminal record

Dreves: Mhmm?

Dreves opens it all the why and starts reading along with Puck

Dreves: Still doesn't say his name

Puck: (Scared) Whoa. Arrested for 13 counts of assassination, 3 accounts of terrorism and another four accounts of attempted murder. T. t. This is scary

Dreves: ( Keeps reading) Wait a minute with all these crimes he served 122 years in prison. How old is he?

Schefer: His immortal

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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