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"Where the hell is she?!" Grandma came barging in with mom and dad smiling behind her. "Uh-oh".

♢ ✦ ♢

"Where is she. I swear to father if she went to my brother first I'm going to kill them." She yelled. The whole school was practically shaking because of her load booming voice. "She's with him" Nikolas confirmed which I hit him for throwing Nikki under the bus. "ouch"
Grandma made a portal to lux where Nikki and Luc is at. We all went in. "Uncle!" We all said except mom cause she was giving them the death glare. "Kids! Sister! What a pleasant surprise. Come, come. Me and Nikki were just talking about her soulmate" he said trying to rub it in grandmas face that he was the first to talk to.
"Hey uncle can I talk to you later I kind of met my mate too" I spoke up which cut off mom's and dad's laugh and replaced it with a glare. That gave uncle all the confidence in the world.

Jada's pov

"Well it looks like I got a lot on my plate today. So, what can I help you with little sister?" "For you to tell me why MY daughter came to YOU first instead of me to talk about her mate and help her find out who she really is" I said in a baby voice knowing that it will make him feel pity for me. Rolling his eyes "mazikeen, one bottle of bourbon please. I may or may have not came to her instead of the other way around. No big deal."
"Mom, she came to early. I didn't even know I was into girls" Nikki said. "Yes you did" Nikolas jumped in which made her roll her eyes. I sat down and took luc's glass of bourbon her poured and took a sip. "Nikki, jarad I hope y'all know you have to take care of them both physically and mentally?" "I know" Jarad said while Nikki kept quiet. "Nikki?" I asked. She nodded her head. All of a sudden she ran back into the portal.

Nikki's pov

I don't know if I'm ready. All of a sudden I started crying. It felt like an episode but it wasn't my feelings. Lizzie. I ran into the portal as fast as I could catching the scent of my beautiful mate. It lead me to the kitchen.
Walking in cautiously a knife was thrown at my face but I caught it before it could do any damage. "Nikki?" I heard a quiet and vulnerable voice say. It was lizzies voice. It physically hurt me to see her like that. "Hey babygirl" she blushed and ran into my opened arms. "Everything's going to be ok" she sobbed on my shoulder and finally fell asleep.
I carried her to my room bridal style and laid her down. Changing her into one of my t-shirts which fitted her big so covered everything. Walking outside of my room I went to Alaric's office. *knock**knock*
"Come in" he responded. "Hey I just want to talk to you about something" I said walking and sitting down. "I'm lizzies mate and she was having a breakdown which I felt so I ran to her which was a good idea cause she was about to destroy the whole kitchen *chuckle* but she ended up falling asleep on my so I carried her to my room and put her down on my bed where she is right now. So if you were wondering where she is she's with me, ok we'll I got to go" I got up and headed to the door. "Take care of her please" I heard behind me. "I will" and walked out.
In my room I took a shower and put on Nike grey joggers and a Nike sports bra. I got into deb with Lizzie which she rolled over and cuddled me. 'I can get used to this' I thought.

>>next morning<<

Lizzie pov

Waking up I noticed I wasn't in my room. I tried to get up but two arms were wrapped around me. The were nikkis. I smiled and blushed. 'I'm in here room, she took me to her room' I thought.
I wiggled out of her arms trying not to wake her. The cold air hit my bare legs . I looked at I was wearing and it was her shirt. This made me blush even more.
"Good morning" I heard. "I'm sorry did I wake you?" She shook her head no. "Ummm... thank you for taking care of me last night even though you didn't have to... ok I'm gonna go, do you need your shirt back?" She smiled at my rambling which I looked down in embarrassment. I felt her lift my chin up making me look at her. "Never hide that beautiful face of yours from me. It was no problem actually and keep the shirt it looks better on than it ever will on me." I smiled at her and walked towards the door.  "And princesa wear something nice I'm taking you out tonight" I nodded and walked out. Running to my room squealing I jumped on top of Josie. "Ughh" she groaned. "Josie, Josie! I have a date tonight! I have a date tonight. Omg I have to get ready. I have to take a shower, brush my teeth, find something to wear" I was running all around the room throwing different outfits. "Lizzie!" She got my attention. "Tell me everything" I giggled and sat next to her still in nikkis shirt. I told her everything from sneaking in her room to her telling me she's taking me out and didn't even ask which was hot. She had a huge smile when she saw how happy I am. "How bout you? I heard her nephew is your mate" I teased. She rolled her eyes and smiled.
Our little moment ended when hope and some of her cousins came barging in. "How could y'all?!"

1001 words

Ok so I was thinking about who should nikolas's mate might be. Mg or whoever y'all vote for!

The Missing  Mikaelson's ~Klaus~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora