Yoon-gi sighs.

He confesses, "We have been married for twenty two years. Lee Ji Eun could be crafty sometimes. I don't think she would harm your mother."

"You don't think so? She was the leader! She could have fooled you!"

Nam Joon warns, "Be polite to Your Majesty, Prince."

Jun scolds, "It's my business with him. Don't interfere."

Yoon-gi puts on his hat again.

He says, "No use talking to this stubborn goat anymore. Let's leave, Nam Joon. I need to meet my future daughter in law."

"What? I didn't get engage to anyone."

"Not yet. Jimin said you're going to. He has a good hunch."

"Father, don't get your hope too high. There is no possibility I will marry a woman."

Yoon-gi chuckles.

He confesses, "Funny. I used to think like that too. Until your mother tackled me down."

His father is walking toward the door.

Jun says, "I will find the cure, Father."

"I know. I trust you."

Yoon-gi walks out of the Casino. He stares around him. This is a good spot. People come and go in this Casino. His oldest son is doing too well. He doesn't want to get involved in politics in palace anymore.

 He doesn't want to get involved in politics in palace anymore

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"Master, are we leaving?" asks Vice Captain.

Nam Joon has selected Choi Ewon as his Vice Captain two years ago. It seems the young bodyguard has exceeded his expectation.

Nam Joon has been talking about early pension lately. He believes he could trust Yoon-gi's safety to Choi Ewon.

Yoon-gi rides his horse. Nam Joon is riding next to him. The Captain thinks he should resign soon.

Yoon-gi says, "I think you should reconsider it. You are still too young for early retirement."

"Master, let's face it. I could barely keep up with you when I was younger. This old horse knows when it's time to go to grassland."

"I prefer you over him."

"I'm grateful, Master. It has been an honor to serve you."

"Where are you going after you left me?"

"Fishing sound great."

Yoon-gi advices, "I shall give you temporary leave for fishing. Let's say three months. I bet you are dying to come back out of boredom."


"It has been decided. Go fishing and come back, Nam Joon."

"Yes, Master."

Ewon looks around them. He is very cautious guy. That's why Nam Joon trusted him most. Despite his age, he is a very talented swordsman.

Nam Joon asks, "Is it okay? To let him live like that?"

Yoon-gi shakes his head.

He comments, "Nam Joon, I just want my children to be happy. Palace is a cold ghastly place. Too much politics."

"Sooner or later, he must learn his duties."

Yoon-gi sighs.

"Master, you still blamed yourself for the past."

"If it weren't for me, he would never lost his hand. If I wasn't so stupid and believed the wrong man..."

"Master, don't dwell in the past too long. If you kept looking back, you can't see the road ahead of you."

Yoon-gi chuckles.

He asks, "Okay, where is my simpleton bodyguard? What did you do to him?"

Nam Joon smirks. Maybe learning few quotes from the ministers aren't bad ideas. Sometimes he heard those scholars said something brilliant in the morning court.

He remembered this quote because Jin used it to scold another minister during a court session.

Most of the bodyguards are guarding outside the Hall. Only Jimin and Nam Joon are allowed to stand next to the Emperor Royal Seat.

The seat has been changed after the old uncomfortable wooden chair got broken many years ago. Today's throne is made from a mixture of steel and wood. It's decorated with pearls, jewels and gold. Dragon and a shining Sun are engraved on the seat.

Yoon-gi says, "When you weren't around, I'm going to ask Jimin to bring my swords to the Audience Hall."

"Ewon is the Vice Captain."

Yoon-gi looks back to the young Vice Captain. The younger man smiles politely to him. The Emperor could find no fault at him.

Ewon has passed the test with excellent scores. He has served in Hwarang for five years before got transferred to the Royal bodyguards. He has come from good family background.

Nothing is wrong.

Yoon-gi still doesn't like him. When you see a perfect guy, you just couldn't help of being suspicious.

Ewon keeps on smiling on his way back to the palace.

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Yoon-gi visited his son. He missed the chance to see Jun's dream girl.

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