The birth of silence

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Sunday evenings are always the beginning of a fresh battle in Loretta's home. The shout, the noise, the beating and the wailing are not even strange to the neighbors. Each time her husband gets home wasted,  like a chicken who has been beaten hard by a heavy rainfall; the entire house loses its peace.

Today is not wearing a crown of speciality, as Richard walked in, wearing the face of a brutal husband and a careless father that he is.

"Hey, what happened to the 2million naira I asked you to deposit to my account yesterday evening? I did not receive any credit alert from my bank", he questioned with a horrible look on his face.

"I'm sure it's a network problem, you will definitely get the alert", Loretta answered as she hurriedly made way towards the room.

Everyone in the neighborhood is aware of the fact that Richard is with Loretta because of her money, and she inherited all her wealth from her late parents, who died from a plane crash when she was a baby. Loretta has endured all the hardships because of her only daughter Keren, who is 15 years old.

"Do you think I'm a fool! You think I didn't notice that you've changed the password to your credit cards? Woman, get in there and do the transfer, else the devil shall dine with us today" Richard yelled showing the unpleasant veins on his thin neck.

"No! never! What about the future of my child? I won't let you eat away my daughter's education on the table of adultery, drinking habits, and bet games. It is my money and I will save it for the future of our daug...."

A slap landed on the surface of her soft cheek, immediately, her silky skin became dehydrated, reddish and dry. The beatings went on and on, alerting the neighbors of the usual boxing tournament, a sight to behold.

Keren was busy sending peeps through the railings close to her room, that way it will be easier for her to rush inside once her father turns towards her direction. Keren is unusually quiet for her age, she is unconsciously addicted to things her mates don't like doing. She reads, writes at leisure, weaves for her mom, volunteers at an orphanage during school breaks and helps Nana out in the kitchen. She shows less interest in social activities and games, Keren is the definition of the perfect child in the wrong home.

"Are you heartbroken?" Nana, the housemaid whispered to her. She patted her shoulders from behind, a sort of consolation for her poor soul.

"I'm used to it, Nana. I just hope daddy won't kill mom one day" she bowed her head to cover for her upcoming tears.

"It's okay Keren, your mom is a strong woman, she will definitely survive this, she has been holding up since your birth and she will continue to, for your own sake", Nana pulled Keren up and gave her a warm hug.

She entered her room, but she couldn't get her head to obey her, when her mother was being beaten black and blue by the monster called her father. Keren decided to play the hero and save her mother from the day's beating. She snapped away from the worry of ignoring her mother's warning to never meddle in their fight or affairs, no matter what.

"Stop it, please don't hit her again, I beg of you" Keren cried out loud, holding onto Richard's wrist.

Richard dashed out of the house after forcing Loretta to sign a document which she had no time to check thoroughly, but Loretta was sure it's a deed to one of her landed properties.

The silence and inability to fight back is the pain behind Loretta's tears. They say life is indeed difficult for the blind, but life is more difficult for a woman who is holding hope just for the sake of her child.

"Sweetheart, tomorrow is Monday, go and get ready for school", she said in a very low tone, as she moved towards her bedroom.

Keren rushed to support her weak legs from falling off the stairs, but she rejected her help by waving negatively.

"Just do what I asked of you, and next time, do not meddle in our affairs. Keren, you are still a child, I don't want your father and I to take that away from you", she said apologetically.

Nana has been with the Richards since the conception of Keren. She is a maid, but more like family to Loretta and Keren. On sad days, her presence is always heavenly to Loretta and her daughter. Nana is hardworking, old and resilient, she sometimes chews her own bite of Richard's violence as well,  but her support to the family remains unwavering and resolute.

The day's drama ended successfully, a loud ring woke Loretta from her well of tears. She dashed towards the living room to answer the call.

"Hello, who is on the line?", she asked with a mixed feeling.

Everyone knows that when someone calls through the family line, then it's a sign of an attractive trouble, one that can only come from Richard. Few days ago, they called in from the main city hotels that he left without paying for his drinks. Loretta had to rush down to pay so as to prevent the company name from making the headlines. Last month, he almost lost his life after a man caught him sleeping with his wife. All of these atrocities caused by Richard are the reasons behind Loretta's fear.

"Loretta, it's me Susana. Are you okay? One of your neighbours told me a huge fight has happened again, I hope that bastard didn't break your nose this time", she said angrily.

Loretta answered reluctantly "I'm fine Susana, but why are you calling with an unknown number, you got me scared. Anyways, I'm fine".

Loretta knows what will follow after the soothing words, it will be a plea from her cousin to divorce her husband , a decision that she isn't ready to make. Susana has been a great support to Loretta ever since she entered into her abusive marriage, after Nana, she is the next big person in Keren and Loretta's lives.

"You can't continue to stay with that monster, don't you get it? He's going to kill you and make your daughter homeless. I'm begging you, follow me to my lawyer and let's end this suffering of a marriage," she pleaded.

Heaven and earth knows everything she said all went to the back of Loretta's ears. However, she replied with "okay" to put an end to Susan's rants. After the call, she switched off the phone, moved to Keren's room and planted a goodnight kiss on her forehead.

Keren waited for her mother to leave before lifting herself from the fake sleep, all in the bid to make her mother less worried about her, she's such a poseur. To uplift her soul and bury her worries, she grabbed her diary to pen down her poetic words.

Heaven sees the worries that lies between my sanity
and the earth knows the pain that cages my days.
I have lived far above my age,
Yet, all I see is rage.

How will the earth be without a father?
What shape will my story take without his presence?
It will be that of peace and tranquillity,
For his presence has given me the opposite.

I wish my mother joy,
I wish to live a normal life.

Keren gave a deep sigh, watched the stars through her window and rushed to bed when her father's car drove into the compound, it was 12:30am.

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