Girl... Oh, Girl

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Hear, sit. Let me tell you my story. My name is Liam. The thing about growing up, it can be hard. Sometimes it hurts to continue to be alive, yknow? But, sometimes you just have to keep on living. Let's start, freshman year. I was 14, i walked into my english class, first period.

I was a nervous wreck. It was my first day at a new school, all my old friends from middle school had gone to our neighboring school. So, as you can guess, i was all alone, no one to talk to. I was just minding my business, when the most beautiful girl walked in. I wish i knew your gender, im sorry you have to listen to me. You can always put the book down you know? If you dont, i guess i should continue on with my story.

As she walked past my desk, i can tell you she smelled like flowers. To be precise, cherry blossom. I took a quick glance at her and I saw she had light brunette hair, her skin was a fair light brown. Her lips not to skinny and very fitting for her face shape. I know you dont wanna hear about my failed love life but bare with me, wontcha? As the period went by, introducing, and icebreakers, which by the way, very annoying. I dont wanna know the classes name. i wanna know hers.

Worst part is, it didnt get to her turn before the period ended, so her name, was unknown. That was a let down. I did the things a person does before exiting the class, putting my things away and  i took a quick look at her exiting the classroom, she was walking out with her friends, a fair blonde, and a red head. The red head's hair, didnt seem natural. Sorry, just the truth. I wish i was able to hear your laugh, oh how entertaining that would be. Maybe i can just imagine it? Yeah, that'll have to do. 

Back to the story. I rushed out to get to my other class, which was AP Math 1? i cant remember how  the school system works, or worked. I dont wanna even bother thinking about it. Bare with me. All i know was i was in a smart person class, which was harder than it needed to be. I sat down and looked at the board, looking at the agenda. Great, more ice breakers. The class was fairly boring. It hadnt much to do, so i doodled and wrote down things, during the icebreakers. The bell finally rang and everyone jumped from their seats towards the door, i did the same, since i hadnt really taken things out of my bag. i shoved the things into my pocket and rushed out the door. I can see the teacher, whose name i do not remember, seemed frustrated. i chuckled and rushed to my next class, which was art. I walked in and there she was.

The girl from first period. I thought maybe she would introduce herself to me, glance at me, or even recognize me from first period. But, no she did not, which was disappointing but not surprising.  i wasnt, and still am not very attractive, or i think im not. ive been told i have some looks, but as from what i see, i do not. I was staring at her, which now i see, is creepy. She turned and caught me staring, and boy let me tell you that was very embarrassing. She chuckled, and smiled. Before turning away to look around. It seemed her friends hadnt taken art class. I decided, since im the boy, or at the time thought i was a man. i should be the one to talk to her. I walked over to her and smiled. "Hey, im Liam." i chuckled awkwardly and sighed. She returned a smile. "Im Adriana. Adriana Perez." She said smiling, chuckling. I was sweating and at the time. I couldnt tell.

She noticed it right away. "Are you okay?" She asked, which is something you dont wanna wanna be asked by your dream girl.

"Im fine, just hot, i had the class on the other side of the campus so i had to rush here." I made up an excuse, it wasnt a good one, but what was i supposed to do? tell her shes the most beautiful person ive ever seen? That would be very awkward. Very... 

She smiled. "Ah, i see-" The teacher cut off her talking telling us to take a seat. We decided to sit next to each other, which was by far the best part of my day. But, i curse the teacher since we didnt finish our conversation. The bell rang, she smiled at me, and walked out of the class, to her next class, and i hadnt seen her all day after that.

Sad, right? But, it gets better as the story progresses. anyways, i wish you could tell me about yourself. It's not fair you have to hear my life story and i cant know a single thing about you. You cant tell, but i sighed. it's not fair. It's just not. 

Lunch came around and yes, i looked for her, haha, i can already hear you calling me a simp, which by the way, is a very stupid term! I respect women, why does that make me a simp? why should it call for name calling!? Anyways, i looked but i couldn't find her. So, i gave up and just ate by myself. 

i sat at a table and ate my terrible cafeteria food, which is stupid some kids have to pay for,  just my opinion. Then a boy, his name was Carlos Jimenez, approached my table. We're still very good friends. He came over to me, with a welcoming smile. He was very nice. He had an accent. a Mexican accent. he smiled. "Is it okay if i sit here?" He asked. I nodded, cause i was alone, and he seemed cool. He picked up his milk box and looked around. "You dont seem to have any friends." Geez, i let his sit with me and it's the first thing he points out about me!

i chuckled. "How'd you know?" With a hint of sarcasm in my voice. Boy oh boy, was it hard to hide. 

"Well, you seem to be sitting alone." He said before taking a bite into the apple. "Well, not anymore. But, you were." He put his hand out for me to shake it. "Im Carlos Jimenez. Pleased to make your  acquaintance ." i eyed him, before shaking his hand. 

I mean, im not a bad person, i was just cautious. Hey! i know you're silently judging me, im not racist, just concerned! Sigh, ill just continue cause the more i open my mouth, the more i make myself sound stupid. 

"Im Liam, Liam Oliver." I said before taking my hand. 

"Liam, huh? Very white." He said with no remorse. 

"Hey! Dont say that, that's racist!" I said defensive. Which by the way, i am now educated. So, please dont attack me. Im telling the story as it is!

"how's it racist? Im just saying the truth." He said shrugging, before biting his apple once again. "Sorry to say this, but the oppressors, can not be oppressed." He shrugged again, and looked at my apple. I didnt notice he finished his. "You going to eat that?" I nodded no

"Apples are my favorite, they're so juicy and red." I eyed him, i didnt like him at first, but after that, he always sat with me. It was very annoying at first, but eventually i warmed up to him. I told him about Adriana. He gave his opinion and told me to go for it. I said to him, to give it time since, well, since school just started and i dont wanna seem like some creep. 

Anyways, you should rest for tonight, or whatever time you're reading. Goodnight, or morning. Whatever, it's complicated, hope you pick up the book again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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