Really Puck?!?

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I was asleep for a while now. I switched shifts with Harry. I had an unusually dream less sleep when I heard a roar. My eyes snapped open. I saw a monster only about 10 feet away from me. Harry was standing there, wand in hand, staring at the thing. It was huge and Brown and leathery. It had blank milky white eyes and huge claws. It had a 10 foot long tail and was 20 feet tall. The thing that frightened me most was the fact that it had razor Sharp teeth and it kept muttering, "Jabberwocky." Whatever in the name of Zues that is. The thing smelled the air. I slowly got up and unsheathed  Riptide. It slowly walked toward Puck, who seemed to be his target. "HEY!! OVER HERE!!" I yelled, attempting to distract it. Fortunatly for Puck and unfortunately for me, it worked. I stood my ground, expecting it to fight. Everyone was awake now, and Annabeth had drawn out her drakon bone sword that she got from Damaeson in Tartarus. She was ready to stab the beast if she had to. The monster turned its attention back to Puck, who had popped out hos pink insect-like fairy wings. Sabrina's eyes grew wide. "I thought we killed that thing." She said, voice wavering. "Guess not." Puck said, Obviously afraid. "What in Hades is that thing!?!" Annabeth yelled. "A Jabberwocky. From Alice in Wonderland. We met it before and it had a certain interest in Puck." Sabrina explained, slowly backing away. "Run. RUN!!" Tris yelled. She was very observant. Rd he Jabberwocky lunged right when we ran. Unfortuanatly, it grabbed Puck. "NO!!!!" Sabrina yelled, sobbing. "Not again." Puck muttered. The Jabberwocky took Puck's wings in hand and ripped them off his back. Puck screamed in pain. Four jabbed the Jabberwocky in the leg and it dropped Puck. Sabrina caught him. Puck groaned in pain. This happened before?!?!? I lunged and hit the Jabberwocky in the eye. Harry ran forward and screamed, "PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!!!!!" Suddenly the Jabberwocky went stiff, and fell to the ground. "We should have a few hours before the spell wears off." Harry explained. I nodded in respect. I ran over to Puck. Sabrina cradled him in her arms and wiped his head. Puck was covered in sweat and he was extremely pale. His blonde hair was plastered to his sweaty forehead and there were little ragged pink stubs on his back where the wings used to be. He moaned in pain. Sabrina sobbed. "Its okay puck. It's okay. We can go to New York city again and get Mustardseed for help. Just like we did when we were 11, okay?" Sabrina said, trying to reassure him. Harry stepped forward once more and muttered a spell. Puck's eyes slid closed and he went unconscious from the pain. "I just said a healing spell. It will take a couple days, but the wings should start to reform soon." Harry said. Sabrina threw her arms around him in thanks. I felt a pang of jealously. Why? Because Sabrina was like a little sister to me, that's why. "How are we going to travel?" Tris asked. "Accio broomsticks!!! That's how. I summoned some broomsticks for us to ride on." Harry said. Annabeth nodded in thanks. I took a deep breath. I could relax now. For now.

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