We meet again

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Annabeth, Jason and I, stumbled out of the woods. We saw Puck and Sabrina and some terrifying fairy lady. She held Piper behind her. Okay then? Puck had popped out his wings. They stared at us, all 4 of them. The fairy lady sneered. Puck stuck behind her and whispered in her ear. "Give us the girl mom, or things will get ugly." He said as a mischievous smile spread across his face. Wait. Mom!?! This fairy was Puck's mom!?! My jaw dropped. I just stared at Puck. Sabrina stepped forward with a large and pointy log. "Come on Titania. We do,t want to hurt you." Sabrina said. "Speak for yourself." Puck replied. Sabrina frowned. Titania lunged at them, her sharp teeth bared. I shook of my surprise and pulled out RipTide. Annabeth pulled out her drakon bone sword. She decided to name it Damaeson. Jason flipped his coin in the air. It landed on heads. The coin transformed into an imperial gold sword before my eyes. We jumped into the fight. I ran around Titania, searching for a weak point to use at my advantage. However, I didn't see any. Until I remember what happened to Puck and the Jabberwocky. I wondered if the same thing could happen to Titania. Probably. Titania was distracted by Annabeth and Jason at the front, so I lunged for the back. My celestial bronze sword cut straight through both her icy blue wings. She howled and whipped around. She threw me across the forest. My head hit a tree with a sickening crack and everything went black.


Oh gods. Di immortales. She hurt Percy. That was not going to slide. I ran at her and thrust my sword through her sternum. When I pulled it back out she distinigrated into ash. Puck slapped me on the back. He cracked a smile. "Aw c'mon Annabeth. You took all the fun." Puck said with a fake pouty face. "Come here Fairy boy." I told him, arms outstretched. He hugged me and I hugged Sabrina. "Guys this is Jason Grace Son of Jupiter. Jason, this is Sabrina Grimm and Puck." I introduced them. I tan to Piper and hugged her. At least she was safe. "Um. What about Percy?" Sabrina asked. "Eh. He'll be fine. He's had worse." I said, brushing off the question.

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