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I used to remember... As a little child, i was often eager to befriend every person i see. But that was not me today. I always had a couple of friends when i was young. But ever since i moved into Kamome Academy, Nobody dared to befriend or speak to me. As if.... i was invisible. Well, when i was second-Year on the Middle school division, i used to remember the stares i got. And the gossips i hear about me. i was usually the person that sat near the window. staring down onto the window, the garden right outside, i imagined having friends and hanging out with them. Actually, i was never alone on the classroom during lunch breaks or short mealtime breaks. There was this classmate of mine who looked odd out of all. Since i always memorize people's names due to the teacher's attendance records, he was Mitsuba Sousuke. 

I thought that, he was just like me but sadly, he wasn't because, he often gets people to talk to him but, me myself, never had a single one to talk to. so i stared at him for awhile and as he looked at me he gave a little smile but i, gave him a little smile back as he quickly stood up and left the room.

why does everyone hate me so much!? 

While writing some notes, i looked out the window again. The gardening club are planting something again and since i couldn't see which seeds are what due to how far i was on the garden itself it looked like tiny dots to me. And as the bell rang i decided to eat my lunch on the garden itself.

i opened my lunchbox, then as usual i sit near the flowers, and making sure i was also in a spot where the pollen won't drop therefore i began as i broke my chopsticks in half, i started eating. And chatting with the flowers.

"Oh hey there little Peony! How was your day!" as i ate a mouthful of rice, pretended they've answered my question.

"Ah, well i'm glad you're great with your friends!" i smiled at the plant while stroking it's beautiful flower petals. "Lucky you have friends" i murmured and as i continued talking to the peony, i was supposed to look at the sunflowers but there i saw him. Staring at me as if i was crazy. it was this Sousuke guy holding his camera 

"Y-You t-talk to th-th"

"N-no! i pretend to since"

"why though-" he shot a scared but curious face

"Because i feel like i'm not alone when i do- wait" wait.... He was the first one to talk to me- i was both happy and scared that he would spread rumors that i talk to plants like a crazy plant lover.

"wait what? Anyways why are you alone?"

"Because." i gulped and i felt my eyes flooding but i tried not to spill my tears "Nobody likes me. Or even dared to talk and befriend me. Y-your'e the first one to ever n-notice me" Damn, you sound like a frog with broken croaks. And there, i couldn't handle it. my tears spilled and for once, i got comforted. 

"Don't worry i was alone too.... until they came." He said as he stood up and took a picture of the Peony i was talking to earlier, he added "Hope you find your friend"

There, he left. I knew he wasn't my friend so i kept on the  waiting for my future friend. As i spoke to flowers i never realized who was talking on the other side of the bush since i was sitting down on the ground but i didn't bother to listen anyways. Eavesdropping on others was something that didn't interest me because mostly i heard about how they described me but in a bad way.

-Mitsuba's POV-
After Talking to that lonely flower girl and learned her story, I immediately told Kou and his friends about it well i really don't know if i could consider Kou and His friends my 'friends' but i told him that Tomorrow, we'll befriend her. Tomorrow can wait can it? Or will Tomorrow be the end of it all? I just hoped nothing happens to anyone Tomorrow.

-Back to your Narration-
The next day on lunch, on the garden, Mitsuba was back this time he joined in and said. "Well you really do love this spot!" and then he gave a small smile because he wasn't the type of person to smile huge. And then, he said "Well i brought company incase you haven't found him or her yet!"

And there, were the 'friends' of his. A Blondie, a Beige-haired boy and a Raven-haired boy. And since i memorized the Attendance recordings, these guys were Kou Minamoto, Yokoo, and Satou. Oh silly me i forgot Yokoo and Satou's last names!

"H-hey, Mitsuba h-here told me you were alone so we're here for you!" Yokoo said happily

"Kinda weird to have a girl in our 'gang' though" Satou said doing quotation stuff with his hands

"Just pretend Mitsuba was a girl we befriended" Kou snapped and the three had a small arguement and Mitsuba looked at me.

I looked at him and sighed "Thank you though" i said giving him a small smile with a little tears on her eyes. They looked like transparent pearls until they plopped down her face.
Then Mitsuba stood up and joined the three. I had friends now. And i was Happy. We had several lunches together on the garden for the past 2 weeks and it has been really nice........
Although, the next day, i was suddenly brought to the hospital after getting my right eye checked. they said they had to remove it to prevent the bacteria from infecting the whole body. But, My mother told them "Well what about her eye will she be right-eyeless forever?!" 

then the doctors said "possible if we could find an eye that is a match with hers then she should've be looking as if she never had any eye infections! the only problem is, the color"

"i don't mind the color... doctor" i said. Hoping my friends would accept me for what i looked like. But then, the doctor's attention got caught by an announcement "i got to go to the ER right away i'll be back to check on you" he smiled and went out as i layed down with my mother in the Hospital Room 033.

Eventually after the occurance in the ER, the doctor went back saying "found a match for that eye of yours" as he held a small box labeled 'Human Eye Please take caution' and i knew, that my surgery would be happening after a few days.

As the bandage got peeled i looked onto the mirror. my new looked looked weird but i was starting to get a hand of it. My (E/C) eye along with my new Pink right eye, i looked half-ly familiar? But i never knew how or why. 

As i looked on the doctor, he smiled and a small word that i heard was "Poor Child..... He never deserved this" As he went out to chat with my mother i layed down covering my left eye trying to look using my right. The doctor surely said that my new right eye will soon be seeing stuff after a couple of months, so i surely did saw nothing for now with my right then, oddly, i saw..... a figure but i didn't mind it since i was surely just getting used to my new eye.

One year had passed and,
Tomorrow was a day at school with my new eye except, i had to cover it with a bandage for awhile since, it wasn't seeing stuff yet

"(Y/N)!" i looked back and saw Yokoo waving at me happily scooting along, skipping and asked me "Have you seen Kou or Satou around lately?"

"Not yet! Of course i haven't we just came back after one year!" i said and we both laughed. It was unusual for a girl to befriend a group of boys right? But for me, it was amazing. Because i never been in a group of friends before!

But now, this year was different. I realized there was no "Mitsuba Sousuke" in our class. Maybe he switched schools.... I thought as i stepped in, and greeted by my friends, Along with Yokoo and the other two, we continued not knowing what happened to one of us.

Author's note: ik fully eye transplants DO NOT work irl but this is fiction and yes. Fiction. Enjoy your new eye btw.

This was based on my dream where i was bedridden cuz of a disease not an eye one but it was just for insliration to write this.... But it wasnt ur typical "fangirl dream" it was a dream where i was with my classmates and friends i just replaced the characters with JSHK CCs and me as (Y/N) since it was my dream.

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