So do it. I want you to have me gasping for air, ramming so hard into me I won't be able to walk straight the next day.

"Who're you talking to?" Emily's voice forced you to momentarily snap out of your fantasies.

"Oh, uh, just that Liam guy I went out with once."

"I thought you said he wasn't very good," Prentiss raised her eyebrows and was studying your facial expressions. Derek was tuned in now too.

"I don't know, he was nice. Maybe I just need to stop being so picky." You felt two additional sets of eyes on you while you spoke. Hotch and Spencer both knew you were just saying that to throw Emily off, but still they didn't like the sound of it.

"Hm. If you say so." You knew she could tell you were lying straight through your teeth, but you also knew she wouldn't call you out on it. At least not here. You realized the plane was about to start its descent, so you made a quick trip to the bathroom.

There were no more inappropriate texts sent after you went to the bathroom. However, that didn't stop you from taking a picture up your skirt of your red lace underwear while you were in there.


You were sitting by yourself in the backseat of a black SUV, JJ and Morgan up front, on the way to the local police department a few minutes after the jet landed. You decided now would be a good time to put that picture to use. This message though, was only making it to one person.

I haven't stopped thinking about last night, you made me feel so good

(Attachment 1 image)


When you walked in to the police station you, JJ, and Derek made your way over to the team. You were still in a good mood from the fun you had on the plane. When you sat down at the table with everyone else, Hotch was standing in front of the evidence board and he didn't even look at you. At first you thought he was just flustered or annoyed about earlier, but when it went on for over 20 minutes you knew something bigger was wrong. You kept trying to make little comments or jokes to him like you always did, but he pretended not to hear you. At the end of going over the evidence, you all were about to go separate ways.

"I can go to the pharmacy all the victims frequented. I'll see if any of their medications were the same." When Reid spoke, Hotch glanced at him for a second.

"No, Prentiss will do that, I think the last thing we need is you near drugs," he snapped and you couldn't believe he just said that. You weren't the only one, the whole team looked at Hotch like he just killed someone.

You refused to stand there and let him say something like that, "Hotch, what the hell is wrong wi-"

"I think we've heard enough from you today." He raised his voice at you in a way he never had before, causing a few police officers to stare.

Nobody moved. Everyone was staring at Hotch, who was still fuming. Not a single person could think of what to say.

The tension was only broken when he stormed off and threw open the door to an empty conference room. You followed just a few steps behind him. There was no way you were letting him get away with acting like that to you and Reid.

You closed the door once you entered the room. You noticed he had taken his jacket off and rolled up his sleeves. He paced in front of the table, avoiding eye contact, while you kept your eyes glued to him. "What the fuck is your problem? What makes you think it's okay to say something like that to him? Or talk to me like that."

He finally looked at you with a look of disbelief and was screaming now, "My problem? What is MY problem?" He almost laughed. "Did you have sex with him?"

Now you had nothing to say. You weren't exactly keeping it a secret but how did he find out? "Hotch what does that have to d-"

"So you did?" He still hadn't stopped pacing and looked just as angry as before.

You sighed, you weren't going to lie to him about this, "Yes. I did, but why does it matter? You knew you'd both be dating me, and you knew I slept with you. Why would you be surprised that I did with him too?"

He slammed his hands down on the table, "Damnit!"

You finally started putting the pieces together. He was lashing out at you and Spencer because the two of you fucked. You couldn't believe he was acting so immature. "That's what this is about? How did you even-"

You were interrupted by JJ opening the door, she looked slightly afraid as she glanced back and forth between the two of you. "Hotch, the first victim's family is here to be interviewed."

"Tell them I'll just be a minute," he was more calm now. She nodded and left the door open as she walked away.

He grabbed his suit jacket and started to exit the room but not before saying one last thing to you. His tone returned to the way it was before she had walked in, "Nice picture by the way."

Then, he was gone. It all made sense now. You thought of that picture you sent and the caption, "I haven't stopped thinking about last night, you made me feel so good". You hadn't even checked the name of who you sent it to. You had clicked on the top name in your messages, you could've sworn Spencer was the last person you sent a text to. Apparently not. 

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