1: summer breeze

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It's been a stressful day. 

You were late to class, forgot your homework, tripped up the stairs in front of Scott (something you were never going to hear the end of), and amidst all the panic you accidentally killed some of your plants. Not to mention that your boyfriend had been MIA lately due to training and missions. 

Speaking of your boyfriend, he was supposed to be meeting you in the garden right now. You looked around at the sight of variously colored plants surrounding you, the search for your boyfriend coming up empty.

The two of you usually met up in the garden after your classes were over - it was closer to the training facilities and you were supposed to be there after class anyways. Charles had asked you to take care of the school's gardens and plants to which you gladly accepted. You had the power of chlorokinesis, meaning you could manipulate and even create plants. The only issue with your power is that you're connected to the plants through your emotions. Meaning that when you get upset or anxious the plants also suffer; which is why a couple of them were looking a bit rough after the morning you had.

A sigh escaped you as you began tending to the plants, mumbling to yourself here and there. A soft breeze blew against your back and slightly ruffled your hair. Snake-like roots began to slither their way through the grass to wrap around you. The plants were happy to see you. You liked to call them your children (Scott had made one too many jokes about killing your 'children' one time - he had himself a nice little swim in the lake during December after that). This was exactly what you needed, being outside with your plants on a nice day like this. The grass felt so soft underneath your feet and the slowly fading sun was like a warm kiss. 

Your thoughts were interrupted as you heard a faint 'whoosh' behind you. 

"Hey, angel. I saw that some of your plants had died, is something wrong? Are you okay?" Peter said as he ran his hands up and down your arms softly, his eyes filled with concern.

Turning to face him, you slid your hand into his. "Ah, just had a rough day is all. I'm feeling better now though." You smiled up at him.

He smiled back as he confessed, "I missed you." 

"I missed you too." He kissed your forehead in response and buried his face in your neck, pulling you ever-closer. You felt yourself melt into him. Something about Peter was just so welcoming and warm. You couldn't help but subconsciously forgive him for his absence lately. The breath you had been holding for the majority of this truly awful day escaped you. 

Now it was just you and him. 


Hello & Welcome !!

This is my second fanfiction - the first was absolute trash, don't ask - so bear with me here. If you have a request I would love to write it! I hope ya'll are doing well and continue to read on. 

Please vote & comment !! <3

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