11: a note

722 16 6

posted 11/3/22

TW: S@ & gun violence

The statement below is in response to someones comments regarding my statements on abortion and republicans (at the end of chapter 10). they defended the right to bear-arms and discredited gun violence within America. they said that I was using criticisms of republicans to fuel my own opinion. in addition to this, they accused me of defending 'murderers' (regarding those who get abortions). 

I feel the need to add to that statement I sent them and to share it with all of you as a lesson in hate and intolerance, and I ask you all to please read it in it's entirety as it also relates to the X-Men themselves and, more importantly, people's well-beings.

girl.... where did I even talk about gun violence?

but since we're on the topic of gun violence, let's not put it in quotes as if it isn't a real thing. more children have died in schools from gun violence in the U.S. than active military service members & police officers since 2018.

and to clarify, criticism is an analysis of something based on perceivable facts. there's no need for me to criticize republican stances on abortion any further than others already have. I was pointing out their blatant hypocrisy - there's a difference between illuminating already known information and offering criticisms on undecided notions.

on the topic of abortion: life begins at birth. you do not come out of the womb as a 9 month-old. "a 3 day-old human embryo is a collection of 150 cells called a blastocyst. there are, for the sake of comparison, more than 100,000 cells in the brain of a fly. the human embryos that are destroyed in stem-cell research do not have brains, or even neurons. if you want to talk about the morality of murder when discussing abortion, then we also have to talk about the morality of killing a fly" (Harris). scientifically, you can't say that discarding an embryo is murder and killing a fly is not. cherry-picking what you label as 'humane' and 'moral' does not make you morally superior to those in disagreement with you. it just makes you seem uneducated and ignorant.

women and others who get abortions are valid. they are affirmed in their decisions. It does not matter if they are getting an abortion because they forgot to take birth control or if they were SA-ed. women/others do not need to be violated first in order to have their choice of abortion validated. getting an abortion is a traumatic experience that not only severely effects the body, but it also affects the mind and well-being of that person long-term. it is not an easy choice for someone to make - treating those who have to make this choice with insensitivity and thoughtlessness is petulant and harmful. you should be creating a supportive environment rather than spreading hate.

additionally, sugar-coating your intolerance by prefacing it with comments such as, "love your writing, but..." or "no hate, but..." is unacceptable and will be treated as such.

there is a clear line between an opinion and bigotry. an opinion, for example, would be "I like Marvel more than DC" or "winter is the best season". bigotry is "people who get abortions are murderers" and "gun violence isn't a real thing". the very fact that you are able to express this type of bigotry goes to show how privileged you really are. you have obviously never experienced any of the things you are speaking on and have lived an incredibly sheltered life. your ignorance is potent.

I'm surprised that you have the audacity to write such things in a comment section regarding the X-Men. For those that are unaware of the X-Men's origins: The X-Men debuted in 1963 under the authors Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Both writers/artists spoke on the characters, saying that the X-Men were created in a time when they were needed most. The X-Men are an ode to the Civil Rights Movements. "Anyone who has read X-Men comics or seen X-Men movies can't help but be aware of the detrimental role that prejudice plays... the prejudice experienced by the X-Men - in particular professor Xavier and Magneto - reflects what psychologists have learned about prejudice... prejudice against X-Men in the X-universe isn't so dissimilar to prejudice that occurs in our world" (Lyubansky, p.75).

The X-Men are an allegory for oppression that so many face within our society - whether that be through racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, etc. Some even face multiple oppressions intersectionally. Magneto, for example, is a Jewish charcter who lost his parents within the Holocaust. His entire story surrounds the oppression he faces as he tries to cope with the trauma that was inflicted upon him by those who are hateful and fearful.

"The X-Men are hated, feared, and despised collectively by humanity for no other reason than that they are mutants. So what we have here, intended or not, is a book that is about racism, bigotry, and prejudice" (Claremont, 1982).

I do not care that this is a platform for fan-fiction and made-up stories that is largely used by young teenagers. Hate and bigotry is unacceptable no matter where it is occurring. And those who witness such things need to start speaking out against it. 

do not come onto my platform regurgitating baseless and harmful bigotry and try to argue on something you clearly have no knowledge of.

your hate and bigotry is not welcomed here.












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