"Shi xiong..."

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While waiting for Liu Haikuan inside his room, he had kicked everyone out. He didn't want to lose face and start crying in front of everyone. After all, 'Zhu ZanJin' had a pretty high status. He's everyone's Shi Xiong, not because he's older than everyone but because he's stronger than everyone (the disciples.) But there is one problem, other than Liu Haikuan, Zhu ZanJin thought, The world hadn't found out 'Zhu ZanJin' was actually from the demon race yet. How would they react once they finds out? Zhu ZanJin Paced around the room. He rememberers it was Liu Haikuan who leaked the information. And he also clearly remembers how they reacted.

Just thinking about Liu Haikuan made him shiver. He curled his fist, if I had to hug his thighs then I'll hug his thigh. Doing everything to survive is the most important thing right now. Even if he'd have to lose face.

*knock knock*

"Shi Xiong..." a soft, quiet whimper followed after the knock, could be heard from behind the door. "Come in." Zhu ZanJin ordered, trying to keep his voice steady. Soon, the door opened, revealing the tall and handsome young boy with sharp features and thin lips. Along with long and slender legs, his hair is also tied up neatly with a crown. Zhu ZanJin gulped. Having the protagonist's halo is indeed something he would die for. You get to look good AND you get to have lots of woman. Sigh, how lucky. Zhu ZanJin shook his head disappointedly.

Upon closer inspections, one could see faint marks of bruises and cuts that has not healed yet. So I've already beaten him to this state huh. At least I hadn't killed his wife yet. "Shi Xiong, you called me?" Liu Haikuan stared innocently at Zhu ZanJin. Such a white lotus ah, "En, how's your cultivation going?" Zhu ZanJin lowered his eyes, giving off the elegant vibe. This way, he'll feel bad if he ruins my face in the future haha. "It has gone well Shi Xiong. I heard Shi Xiong has gotten a fever, how is Shi Xiong feeling?" Liu Haikuan smiled, better if you weren't here! "Good" Zhu ZanJin slightly clinched the tea cup in his hands. To be honest, Haikuan's smile is pretty Alluring, sigh, so jealous. Zhu ZanJin wanted to pat his chest.


Lose face - suffer a loss of respect; be humiliated

Hug his thighs - when you go out of your way to be extra nice to someone just for the sake of it

White. Lotus - pure, innocent, no intention of hurting someone

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