The Truth behind The Edd

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"It started about the time I moved away. My parents reasons for work and mine was for schooling." Eddna began.

It began when she started the academy. She gotten the highest grades on all the tests. Straight hundreds. The professors and olther staff members accepted her the first day. Talked with her as if she was a adult. She talked like one for sure, no one could be certain how she felt about it. Eddna walked the long hallways of the school. It was morning and a hour or so before actual students began to show. Eddna helped out teachers and worked on numerous robotics in the Tech classroom. She walked to her locker and clicked in her code. It opened and she placed the things she did not need in the mornings. She left her headphones in blasting some rock metal that she overheard at a accantice of her parents. She learned thaat she rather enjoyed the music along with the classical. She shut hr locker and walked down to the tech class. Since her music was blasting in her eardrums she didnt hear the shuffle of feet from behind her. Now some mistaked her for a boy at times besides the fact she wore a skirt as required by the academy. She told the school she will not remove her hat for person reasons. The hat reminded her of Peach Creek , her home, and the place all her friends were. Eddna was about to open the class door went someone went tumbling into her, knocking them both onto the ground. She was underneith the male. His hands on either side of her pale face, his torso touching hers, his right knee in between her legs. Her blue eyes were filled with fear of this. She hated to be touched. Sometimes even by her own parents.Clearing her throat she spoke in a dry tone.

"Salutations, I am sure you are well aware, but please remove yourself from me." she said to him. He looked at her with bright green eyes that remonded her of Kevin Barr.

"Hey, its the crossdresser dork." he smirked and removed himself. Standing on his own and not helping Eddna up. She stood herself up and dusted off her skirt. Muttering something about dirty people. She fixed her hat and somewhat glared at the older teen. This is when she was in grade nine.

"I am a female. And my name is Eddna not dork. You are not allowed to call me anything but my name." Eddna barked surprising him. Ever since hanging out with Gabriel for a year she was growing stronger and not afraid of everyone. Only Kevin was allowed to call her dork. She would never admit it but that was his name for her and she rather enjoyed it.

"Fuck off, Your lucky I don't hurt girls." he said. Eddna just eyed him before turning away and walking toward a new hall. He was lucky she wouldn't hit him. As they day progressed however, she felt that something was going to happen. And she was right. As soon as school let out she went to her locker to place everything away. There was no homework since it was a friday. Placing her things in the locker she shut it. hecking for her phone she seen that Gabriel had messaged her. She smiled. He always knew that she wasn't feeling okay. They didnt have any romantic feelings for each other seeing as Gabriel was gay. She always laughed at him when he told her of his nights. Shaking her head, she went towards the tech class to finish some blueprints. On her way there she was pushed against the lockers. Surrounding her was three males, one of them was the one from the morning.

"Looky here boys, here is the freaking dork who thought she could talk back to me."

The boys started to laugh at her. Her blue eyes hardened on them. She wouldnt fear them, she grew up being pulled by Kevin. She could handle whatever they dished out. She felt a swift punch to her stomach as she smirked at them. She still had a small gap between her teeth.

"Bring it on." was all she said before they raped her. She was found lying in the middle of the floor by a teacher. Blood was all over her legs and face. Her hat was ripped off that let her long black hair fall out. Thats when a teacher noticed a faint scar on her head. The teacher was her Tech teacher. He quickly called 9-1-1 and  watched as the paramedics took her away. She awoke a few days later, with her parents, Gabriel and the Doctor surrounding her bed. She looked around the room and knew immedaitely where she was. She sat up quickly, dispite the Doctor's protest. Her parents left the room with the doctor  leaving Gabriel and herself.

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