Think before you speak.....

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The smell of gun powder filled the dimly lit room. The room itself was rather large but it was somewhat small. Blood was smeared on the walls from the mass of bodies. Smoke admitted from a corner of the white stained walls. There was a lonely girl who sat in the corner, who's raven black hair was down and drenched with blood. Her knees were up to her chest, clawed arms hugging them tightly. The girls pale face was buried with in those arms. She could feel the salty tears that ran down her face. She sat like that for hours until the iron door was smashed in. She didn't care  anymore. She just wanted to leave. People dressed in uniforms hurried into the room, their trained eyes surveying the room. Bodies littered the floor with bullets stuck inside of them. One of the uniformed people saw that a girl was alive and beside her a smoking gun. He crouched down at her level and spoke softly to her.

"Miss, Please stand up. You may be badly injured." he didn't notice the claw marks that were up and down her arms. She moved her head up a little, only her crystal blue eyes showed and decoded with no emotion. In a shaky yet flat voice she whispered.

"I want to leave."

The sound of screaming jolted the whole house up. Eddy woke frantic, trying to remember last night. He frowned when he saw that Eddna and Kevin were missing. Everyone rushed upstairs, Eddy leading the group as he swung open Eddna's door. Kevin was on the floor with a bloody nose and a brusing cheek, and a forming black eye. Eddna was thrashing in her sleep, screaming "Let me go." The Ed's hurried to her side holding her arms down. Nazz rushed over, wanting to help. Eddy told her to slap Eddna awake. In which she did. Eddna woke, blue eyes blazing with anger and fear. Tears threatened to run down her cheeks. Her blue gaze looked around the room and then to Kevin who was sitting on the floor. She didn't really see the recent injuries but the bite marks and hickeys. Her face flushed from heat. But it went away as she stared more at him. She gasped and got out of bed. She heard a couple of more gasps as she looked at herself. She was dressed in a black tank top and very short shorts. Her legs were covered in faint scars as well was her back and arms. Her hair was messy and knotted. She went to her knees in front of Kevin with her head down. Tears running down her cheeks.

"K-Kevin, I am sorry that I did this to you." her hands were balled into fists as the water from her eyes fell to them. She was going to tell them all what happened. Even if they do not speak to her again she wanted them to know. She wanted them to understand. Kevin wrapped his arms around the scared Eddna. She sobbed into his chest. He nodded at the others to leave. As they left, shutting the door Ed spoke up.

"Eddy, must we call Gabriel and say she has done it again?"

"Lumpy I believe we do but let us wait till they come down." Eddy wisely said. It took an hour before the lovebirds came down, holding hands which seem like magic to Nazz and Sarah. But they stopped all thoughts as they watched Eddna sit on the floor in front of them, Kevin in the background with crossed arms.

"I have to tell you guys something very important. Let me explain to you the reason I become this." she pointed at herself before starting. They saw that her arms were bandaged and blood was seeping through.

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