7-Season Finale

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I thought that I handled everything pretty well.

The kiss was still weirding me out, but I wrote down everything and rehearsed everything I wanted to say to him when I saw him again. Then I saw him again. I would have been better if we had met after school like I had planned, but I couldn't help it that we had an accidental five second stare down when he passed by the door. Any more time after that and things would have gotten much worse. I had to talk to him then.

Luckily, class ended a minute afterward so I was able to slide my stuff into my backpack and run to reach him in time. I waited for him to stop chatting with his girlfriend and move a large enough distance away that she wouldn't see us and then I put the leftovers of my previous plan into action.

I pulled out my tablet, walked to the side of him, and held my tablet in front him like it was some homework I wanted him to check.

“Marco. I think we should talk now,” I said, pointing at the screen.

“Really? Now is a good time? What are you pointing at there's nothing there?” he whispered. He sounded more annoyed that I was talking to him than surprised or was it the opposite? I don't remember it that well. It's so weird how so I remember so many of our conversations and horrible I was at the end.

“Just pretend like you see something here. It's better if we just talk about it now.”

When we stopped at a corner, I said without even looking at his face that “I'm sorry. For what happened at the house. I didn't mean...”

“I know you didn't mean it.” he said quickly. He sounded almost disappointed when he said that, but I wasn't paying attention at the time. Damn I should have at least looked at his face. I wonder how it sounded to him when I said,

“Good good. I thought that- Never mind. I think I-we need some space.”

“What does that mean?”

“I mean that I think I should work on editing the show for the awhile. It's better if you took a break from it.”

“No no. I get it. It's fine with me.”

I think that was the last thing I've said to him.

Really? Is that I've said to him. Damn. Should I call him now? No what am thinking? It's six in the morning, but am I even ready to? That day was such a bad day for me.

It took me three hours after that to realize that the Indego was gone. How could I do that? I check that thing after class all the time. If I wasn't so careless, she never would have gotten all those videos. All this never would have happened if I paid damn attention to it. Everything that's happened is my fault... No it's her fault! I already been through this it is all through it always been her fault! I was just a little careless one time and it led to this huge disaster.

After dumping my bag out and realizing it was truly missing, I freaked out. I felt so naked and jittery like I was on caffeine. I searched that room like crazy, pacing the hallway like a maniac trying to find that stupid black band so much that I think people thought I was going crazy. I pretty much was. I couldn't stop thinking about what if someone broke into it and found my videos. They could have put anything out there, pictures of me naked or where I live or release any embarrassing thing I did while It kept recording. Why does it have such a stupid function! I don't need a record of every moment of my life. It's so stupid.

I freaking out for three days until Elle found my Indego. She told me that she found it in the lost and found. I was so relieved at the time that I didn't find it suspicious at all. The thought never occurred to me why it wasn't over there the first two days I checked there. Never mind. It's not her fault. It makes sense that I wasn't suspicious at the time.

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