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It's 12:10. Let's keep going. That was a funny week. I kept getting notifs from the fans about the breakup. It was always “I'M SOOOOOO SORRRRRRY MICKY!!!!” or “such a jerk he dont deserv u” or my favorite “If your lookin for a new bf i can handle Summer all year round.”

Like I haven't heard that one before a million times before. They aren't even creative with it now.

Unfortunately, It seemed that Cassie was only the person who had a problem with me being newly single. What email did she give me again? Oh yeah, it went something like,


How are you holding up? Fake sympathy, Fake sympathy, Scolding about the way I handled it, Bla Bla Bla Well anyway, People still like Ian a lot so your fans are going crazy, but I have a solution that will work. Bla Bla Bla. I need you and your parents to meet me at Lee's Cafe.

Not so Sincerely,

Casandra Pearson

I wonder who's she managing now? Probably someone who didn't cause her so much trouble. Now that think about it, my parents never liked the idea of me having a manager, but did they really expect me to handle all those sponsors by myself? I would have drove myself crazy! Well... faster. When Dad heard her plans, he was beyond pissed.

“No! Absolutely not!” he said sternly. He almost spilled hot coffee on me when he banged his fist on the flimsy patio table.

“Dad calm down! You almost spilled the coffee on me,” I told him, moving the further to his side.

“Sorry! Sorry honey!”

“Mr. Summer, I assure you everything is fine. This is the best way to appease most of the sponsors in one day. Most all of it clear you from that Ian fiasco a two months ago,” Cassie said.

“Are they still on that?” Mom said. “You're not pressuring my daughter into a relationship with a stranger!”

“Relax. I'm not pressuring her into another relationship. Its just a date. A simple date.” She took a really long and noisy sip from her mug like she was trying to swallow it all in one gulp. She didn't used to do that but I guess she was trying to take my advice and loosen up every once and awhile. “Though we still want to keep this a blind date. But if it makes you feel more comfortable, you could come with me to screen the ones that sign up. So what do you say?”

“I'm still not comfortable with all this. Mikayla, how do you feel about all of this?” Dad said, turning to me.

“I'm fine with it. It's only a date, and I'm pretty sure the fans will enjoy it too. Just don't set me up with a Sycofan or an ugly dude, and It's good with me.” I told them.

“Great! I'll write your script for the contest video, and we'll be set,” Cassie said.

At that point, I really didn't care what was happening. Though it's kinda silly, I imagined that the guy they set me up with was Jeremy Smith from Mark 4. His stormy gray eyes staring into mine as he compliments me on dress and him serenading me with his guitar over a candlelight dinner. That would've been something awesome.

Anyway, I made the video just like she wanted. Though my parents took more interest in the way I ran it than they have in a while.

“No! No! No! You can't say that!' my mom yelled at me after seeing the first draft.

“Mom! Calm down! I do this all the time!” I said to her. I was pretty pissed she was questioning my skills.

“Really? Looks like I have to look through your recent videos.”

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