Haha Hey im stiles

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dedicated to yerrboymillz for coming up with this awesome book idea
Stiles P.O.V

'Hello person reading my thoughts in third person how are you? whats your favorite color?
do you like animals? oh wait I should introduce myself'

'well I have a few names but my real name is Mieczyslaw 'Mischief' coulson but people know me as stiles stilinski, So nice to meet you whatever your name is'

'also yes I am the famous assassin mischief spark anyways Im also a spark and Im also a void werefox thanks to the nogitsune'

'anyways its been nice half talking to you or would that be thinking to you idk but I have to get ready for a pack meeting'

I got up and looked at my room and sighed it was a bit bare since I was going to new york after the pack meeting

I grabbed my sunglasses and put them on before grabbing my phone and luggage before making sure I have everything before heading downstairs "hey dad" I said

"hey mischief Ill miss you" he said as he gave me a hug "Ill be sure to call you every other day and you better not start drinking again" I joked before getting punched in the shoulder

"okay I have to go bye dad" I said hugging him "bye son" he said before I walked outside and put my stuff in my jeep (forgot her name) and waved to dad before getting in the jeep and starting her up

I turned on the music and drove over to the loft as I thought about how to tell them im leaving and not coming back for a while

*at the loft*

I got out of my jeep "hey stiles" a voice said and I looked over at kira "hey you got your stuff?" I asked and she nodded and handed me it to put in my jeep

"you ready to head to new york for a while" I asked as I put the bags into the back of my jeep "yup cant wait to get our full power" she said "I know now come on we have to break the news to them" I said

*in the loft*

"hey guys" I said "hi stiles" they said "so um before we start we have something to tell you guys" kira said "oh what is it" scott asked "uh so" I started

"wearemovingtonewyorkforafewmonths" I said very quickly "uh what please say that again but slower" lydia said "we are moving to new york for a few months" I said slower but still a bit fast

"WHAT" they all yelled "sorry we didnt want you guys to stop us" kira said "were gonna miss you guys" isaac said "we will miss you too" I said

*after the meeting is done*

"bye guys" we said giving everyone a hug before we walked away "call and text us whenever you can" they said we agreed before getting in my jeep

we waved as I started my jeep and I let her play some music as I drove away "Im gonna miss this town" I said "me too but we will be back in a few months" she said

turned out those few months turned into a two years after we got a call

The story of a spark hybrid named stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now