The odd Annette[Edited]

Start from the beginning

She hoped she was just a disappointing tour guide. Oh, how wrong she was. Annette collapsed on the side of her bed. Letting the soft cool duvet keep her at ease. Annette glanced over to her bed. Where she had her coat. She sat up at tilted her head at it. She pouted as she did so before reaching over. And checked her pockets...okay good both gloves...not the other pocket...nothing.She glanced next to her coat which had her hat she left by it. She checked the inside of the coat then froze.''Oh no...''.She whispered. Then felt herself begin to tear up a bit.

Her scarf was gone. She knew she had it before the journey. She had deep pockets that had buttons that closed them. So that nothing could fall out you could only take things out. But she furrowed her brows but that woman had no time unless she was super good with pickpocketing. Annette frowns she was disappointed that wasn't a super expensive scarf but it was sentimental to her. She wore it all the time. Annette frowned then glanced out the window.'Maybe it did fall out ...besides even if she did take it. What harm could this 'Nicole' do with just her scarf it not like she could find her with it'.Annette thought to herself. Annette chuckled and mentally noted to stay away from that area for a while.

-Meanwhile in Volterra-

Heidi was internally fuming. She was so confused and pissed off. Not to mention a little scared.Was her gift off?... Was she losing it? Or maybe humans were getting more resistant. She was just grateful she found the group of fishes she had. She had plenty,30 to be exact but she always didn't mind getting an extra one or two just in case. One would satisfy two members maximum for a month usually she went on a bigger tour first then a smaller tour if any members needed more. But the one tour was usually enough. Heidi glanced back putting on a smile,'' Stay together everyone we are almost there.''She exclaimed excitedly. The tourists were excited looking around as they descended the tourist tunnels which lead to another entrance of the castle. More private and quiet. She began to stay the same old speech about history randomly pointing at things and describing what they were.

Heidi happily looked at the group as she thought,'' Good fishes ...why couldn't the girl be more like them''.This made Heidi think 'how was she able to stay ability leaves it that not even the average vampire could resist me''.Heidi was perplexed and went to grab for what she plucked from the girl. A scarf, it was a simple one nothing as exquisite as the many she owned. But it smelled like her. A thought crossed her mind as Heidi leads the group to pass the secretary and down to the doors of the throne room.'' I'll have to talk to aro and the other masters after '', She thought this as she put the scarf away.''And maybe send a hunting party to catch or at the least investigate''.She added to her mental notes. Before she opened the doors and guided the tourists inside. The doors quickly shut behind her. As she smiled then turned around to say, ''And that concludes our tour sorry dearies but you won't be going home''.Her contacts had melted away to reveal her bright red eyes. Members of her coven slowly approached the terrified tourists before they pounced. Then came the screams...The bloodcurdling screams and the blood ...


Annette had spent the whole week nervously looking around. She had avoided that spot where the woman 'Nicole ' approached her. She had been finalizing her graduate degree had just graduated an hour ago she was dressed in her cap and gown smiling she was excited she had worked so hard. When the woman approached her she was glancing at notes and text. She had been helping a professor who she had befriended and worked with as a teaching assistant. Annette smiled and sighed in relief as she made her way out of the building. Suddenly She heard a scream which startled her before she was tackled and hugged. She looked up to see one of her classmates Sharon, who she helped pass an art history class on Italian renaissance art.''Omg Annette!! Thank God... bitch I've been looking all over for you'', She said with a smile and a squeal of delight,'' I wanted to thank you for helping me pass that freaking class..''.Sharon said dramatically but then formed a warm smile. Sharon then said,'' God I was never gonna pass that class without your help. Besides no one knows Italian art as you do...''.She said whining when she said the first part then turned into a teasing smile when she said the second part.

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