Ch 2

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I actually have found my soulmate but haven't told anyone. His name is Ryland. And yes I said 'his' and that's one of the reasons I haven't told anyone. I don't think my family is ready for that. But I am going to ask him to come over after school and we can act like we're 'just friends'. I hope he says yes even though we have to act like we aren't together.

"Hey Ry, wanna come over after school?"

"I would love to, but I thought we weren't telling anyone about us yet."

"Well we don't have to, we can just act like we're friends..."

"Okay fine... but only if we get to cuddle when we're alone."

"Of course... anything for you," I said, winking and then walking off to my last class.


I was just sitting in my kitchen having my usual after school snack when I, once again, felt major pains. I took some medicine and lied down in the living room. After a good 15 minutes of staring at my phone, I decided to go for a run thinking that maybe some of the pain would go away.

I went out to our backyard and started off towards the woods. Once I was a little into the woods, I transformed into my wolf form. I ran off in a random direction. After a little bit of running, I found a little cave that is kind of by this little waterfall that I always go to so I can calm down. I heard soft whimpers, after almost a minute, they'll stop and then start again a minute later. I decided to explore.

I slowly entered the cave and started to hear soft crying as well. My heart was beating faster than usual. Before I knew it, I found a smaller boy curled up on the ground in front of me. It was a little dark but I could see that his shirt was ripped up and he had like, boxers on. I transformed back into my human form. I kneeled down next to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped up and looked at me with a scared look on his face.

"Hey hey... I'm not here to hurt you."

He just looked down at his hands and was still whimpering a little but very very quietly.

"Can I help you?"

He looked at me and nodded. I picked him up bridal style and he wrapped his arms around my neck and dug his face into my chest, which was cute. I walked out into the light and saw that his hair was a blondish-brown color and that he had many cuts and bruises all over his body. My heart sank as my eyes searched his body. He was very beaten up and still bloody. I assume he is also a wolf just because of the fact he was all the way out here in the woods. He also had a certain smell, that I guess I actually enjoy? I'm feeling emotions that I've never felt before, it is very confusing. He looked up at me after a while and I saw that his eyes were a gorgeous green color that made my heart skip a beat. He looked sad and it looked like he had been crying for awhile. I pouted a little and looked back down at him. I smiled at him and his face went a little red and he buried his face back into my chest. I just wanted to kiss him all over and to make him feel better. I want to see his smile, not tears in his eyes.

I entered my house and called for my mom or dad. My mom came in first and saw the small boy in my arms. She gave him a sympathetic look and told me to bring him to our injury room. Our dad is the leader of our pack and we do a lot of sparring by our house so it's good to have one. Once I laid him down, my dad walked in.

"What's this?" my dad asks.

I turned to him and said, "I found this hurt wolf out in the woods, mama told me to bring him in here." He looked a little taken aback and a little confused.

"Alright son, why don't you go play with your brother and his friend."


After Tony left, his dad looked over at the boy confused. He saw Tony's different colored eyes and he knew. He thought to himself, 'that can't be his mate. There's no way. I'll just have to try and keep them away from each other.' And with that, he walked out. Tony's mom came in to tend to Nick.

"Hey sweetie, are you feeling better? Is there anyone we can call to come get you?"

"R-ryland..." Nick muttered out.

Tony snuck down to check on Nick but his mom stopped him.

"Hey Tony, can you go ask Ondre's friend to come down here? This boy is asking for him."

After Tony heard those words, he started to feel a little jealous for no reason at all, or at least he thought.

"Um y-yeah sure, of course."

Tony turned on his heels and started towards his older brother's room.

"Hey Ryland, this boy downstairs is asking for you." Tony said to Ryland.

Ryland looked really confused and a little bit concerned. He got up and walked down the stairs, the brothers following. Tony's dad was at the bottom of the stairs.

"Tony, Ondre, I need you to go back to your room now please." Their dad said to them.

Once he walked away, Tony whispered loud enough for Ryland to hear, "Ryland wait!!"

Ryland turned around confused but came back.

Tony continued, "Can you please tell him to meet me where we first met, tomorrow at like 6?"

"No problem, see you later."

"Thank you so much. Bye."


I walked into the living room because I wasn't sure where I was supposed to go.

"Ryland, over here please." Ondre's mom called me. I walked in and was surprised to see Nick laying in there.

"Oh my gosh, Nick! Are you okay??"

"Yes... but please... will you take me to your house."

"Of course."

Ondre's mom and I helped him up. He put his arm around me for support as he let go off Mrs. Lopez.

"Thank you for helping me ma'am." Nick thanked her.

"No problem sweetheart, stay safe!" she replied.

I led Nick out and helped him into my car.

"Oh yeah... I almost forgot. Tony wants you to meet him tomorrow at 6 where you guys first met."


I'm not 100% sure who Tony is but I'm assuming it's the guy that helped me earlier. He was so strong and handsome. I felt safe in his arms, he also smelt really good too. I mean he probably has already found his mate already but boy, was my heart beating fast.


hiii hope you enjoyed 😌
possibly a new chapter friday or saturday... idk yet... :))

i tried to publish this yesterday... apparently it didn't work... lmaooo

1179 words

Forbidden Lovers ~ tonick Where stories live. Discover now