Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

"Stupid tall shelves!" She jumped and her fingers just grazed the book.

She was about to jump again when a hand plucked the book out for her, she turned and saw Kyung. Put the book back I rather jump and risk and injury than get help from him.

"I had it under control but thanks" she grabbed the book and jumped off the stool.

She walked towards her bag and placed the books she had in there on the table. She was carrying 'The Fault in our stars' for reading but got saddened by her pathetic love life. The book was swiped off the table and she saw Kyung holding it.

"Give it back Baek Kyung I'm not in the mood." She tried to grab the book but he raised his hand.

She jumped trying to get the book and fell into his chest. The pair looked at each other, she stared at him anger written clearly on her face and he stared at her with longing in his eyes.

"You know what just keep the fucking book asshole" she huffed and grabbed her bag before leaving the library.


"Stupid Baek Kyung. Stupid height!" She stomped all the way to her locker and threw the bag in it.

She turned around and saw Kyung standing behind her.

"God I can't even get away from you in the shadow either. Just go away Kyung"

"So you know about being a comic book character"

Jang-Mi dropped her phone and stared at the boy in complete and utter shock.

"You're aware?"

"Mhm" he stepped closer to the girl.

"I'm going to find Lee Dohwa. Bye" she ran off leaving kyung and her phone.

He picked up her phone and pressed the home screen. It surprisingly wasn't a picture of Jackson Wang it was a picture of her and Lee Dohwa laughing. He threw her phone back on the ground and walked off.

"She calls me a two timer when she's obviously in love with Lee Dohwa."


Jang-mi watched Danoh walk with her friends glumly, Haru's disappearing hit Danoh and Dohwa hard. She didn't know how to feel about it all, it's not like he died in the storyline and they could have some closure he just disappeared into thin air.


She walked into her music class and saw everyone was already seated, the only empty place was in between Kyung and Namju.

"You've got to be fucken joking" she whispered looking at the seat unimpressed.

She turned and walked out the class,Kyung watched her leave a sad look on his face.

She walked to Lee Dohwa's class and waved her arms trying to get his attention, when he eventually turned and looked at the girl he smiled and raised his hand getting permission to leave the class.

"What are you doing Jangie?"

"Kidnapping you for some quality one on one time!"

The two ran down the hallway hand in hand laughing. It was moments like this when Jang-Mi was laughing with her friends and family she forgot she was a comic book character and hopelessly in love with a boy who will never love her back.

"Ya-ah Jang-mi where are we going?" Dohwa Panted once they stopped running.

"I didn't actually think we'd make it this far, so I didn't have anywhere in mind"

Dohwa rolled his eyes and pulled the girl towards the roof top, a place he enjoyed before Namju closed it. They sat down on the wall and Lee Dohwa put his head on her lap and Jang-mi absentmindedly played with his hair.

"You know we haven't actually spoken about you and Kyung right? We don't have to speak about it but I want you to know you aren't alone you have me." Dohwa smiled up at her, she smiled sadly back him.

"Lee Dohwa I'm grateful for you, Gosh i wish things were easier for the two of us. Baek Kyung And Yeo Juda care about other people so why do we keep crying over them?"

"I don't know Juda's exact feelings but I do know Baek Kyung. That boy has loved you since we found out about what love is, things are just complicated in his life Jangie."

"Complicated Ha. I've been hearing that word a lot, maybe I'm meant to die alone Dohwa."

"I guess I'll have to die with you then because I can't imagine life without you"

Jang-mi shoved his head and laughed at the boy, deep down she was touched by what he said. Dohwa sat up and pulled her into his arms and held her.

"You'll always have me Jangie don't forget that."

"And you'll always have me Dohwa"

I'm backkk!🥺❤️
Studying is really time consuming so I lowkey keep forgetting to post but I will put Alarms on my calendar from now onwards!
OMG THANK YOU GUYS FOR 2k reads❤️🥰😭I'll double post for that!
Btw I finished Goblin and omg I am in love with Sunny and The Grim Reaper😭❤️😔
I hope you guys are all staying safe!
Love you loads

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