Chapter 4 - The Legendary Blader In China

Start from the beginning

However, the people complaints wouldn't make any if the bladers move. They were waiting for their opponent to attack.

'I get it now,' Johannes spoke. 'So, you've decided to wait until I make a move no matter what. Well, personally, I'm fine with waiting like this until Leone and Phoenix use up all their strength. No biggy. But my fans seem restless, so I will give you what you want!'

Lynx approached Leone at full speed and then the two beys clashed kicking up the sand in the stadium and making it impossible to see what was going on.

When the dust settled, everyone was shocked. That attack from Lynx was strong, but Leone was still spinning perfectly.

Before Johannes could think of a plan, Phoenix attacked him fiercely.

'Phoenix is spinning to the left!' Madoka exclaimed in the stand realizing the red-haired blader had changed rotations while the dust was still preventing everyone from seeing what was happening at the stadium.

'What's going on out there?' a confused Johannes spoke.

'What's wrong? You're giving up after one attack!? Why not come at me again!?' Kyoya shouted to his opponent. 'Keep on attacking, pal!'

The lovers' opponent did exactly that and attacked again. However, every time he attacked Leone, the attack wasn't effective, and Lynx ended up being pushed away by the reaction force he created during the collision. That was when Kira's re Beyblade charged against him and attacked Lynx fiercely.

Then, Kira felt a sharp pain in her wound. She put her hand on her belly, but then ignored it and kept attacking.

Phoenix attacks sent Johannes Beyblade back to Kyoya's forcing it to attack Leone again and then repeat the cycle.

'That's it!' the mechanic said checking some information on her laptop. 'Now it's in defence mode! Kyoya must have set it before the battle started! It's in defence mode for sure! And Phoenix using its left rotation which means its attack power is way stronger than before!'

'Defence mode you say,' said Yuki.

'But he uses counter mode!' Gingka argued. 'That's always how Kyoya roles!'

'It's true that counter mode makes Fang Leone's attack power really amazing, but still, Leone has always been a defence type bey,' Madoka explained. 'In this battle, when defence is the most important, he's been able to bring out that ability to its fullest for the first time. And with Phoenix in left rotation mode, all the attack power they need is in Kira's hands. She's his attack and he's her defence.'

Gingka was surprised. The two Legendary Bladers battling in front of his eyes had fully understood their strength and power. They did it!

Suddenly, Lynx used an uppercut attack that sent Leone flying. But Phoenix attacked him right away and made sure her teammate would be attacked while recovering from the landing.

However, Johannes had a trick up his sleeve and changed his bey mode to attack mode. Kira and Kyoya's friends at the stands seemed to be worried, but the two bladers had everything under control.

'This is it!' Johannes exclaimed and prepared to charge against Leone.

'I've already seen the limit of your power!' Kyoya shouted. 'Leone!'

A great tornado of sand was created, and the green-haired male looked at his lover. She smiled at him knowing he was going to finish the battle.

Johannes was still confident that he could win and being able to pierce through the tornado made his ego grow bigger. But when he saw his Beyblade crawling up the wall of sand, he became worried. He thought Kyoya was already too weak and wasn't going to be able to use a special move. He was dead wrong.

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