" Anabelle " she looked at me That look that says "you better say or you gonna be in a big trouble ".

" Sorry.. but I am missing the bio test right now ! " I tried to flip the table here but I am not that smart .

" you are not going to have the test unless you tell me what happened there ! " she started to raise her voice .

She is getting on my nerve , Like why should I tell her ? She isn't going to do anything about it is she ?

"Look with all my respect , I don't want to be rude." yes I want ," but why do you care ? "

" I am responsible about your safety young lady! And he was holding your waist , and it's important not to lose your vir..." she suddenly stopped, her eyes widening .

What . The . Hell ?

She wasn't going to say something about me being a virgin and losing it .

" What are you talking about ? " I asked immediately , my mind keep asking questions that I want the answer , keep calm Anabelle , don't freak out I kept telling my self .

It's okay if you freak out my mind mock me .

" just forget it , let's go to the test room . " she said walking away from me , ignoring my question, I know there's something wrong here ! And we aren't safe in this part .

We walk through a big door and I immediately saw jennifer sitting and glaring at the paper infront of her , she seems in a deep thought.

" here's your test , go sit beside your room mate and good luck " Miss. Lisa hand me the test I looked at her and she is smiling nervously at me .

" we are not done yet " i said referring to the conversation we had . She turn around and sit on her desk , I walked to where I should sit and I caught Elena smirking at me . Still bitch . I thought .

Jennifer is still glaring at the paper , when I sat beside her .

" What's wrong ? " I asked , a bit too loud .

" Shh... No talking , you have less than one hour to finish " The teacher inform me , well ...

" This test is like shit ! It's like all of this question isn't in the biology book " Jennifer said , her voice above a whisper but I hear it . And then I looked at the paper in my hand , oh shit .

First question , I stare at it trying to find the answer but nothing came to my mind , I will leave it to the end .

Second question , Wait I know that question ! I started to write the answer but my mind were somewhere else , why would he say that he never saw a beautiful girl like me before? Does that mean that there aren't any girls in south?

Of course there are girls in this part of town you idiot ! My mind mocked me can you just shut up ? I am trying to focus here ! I told my mind .
You aren't even solving anything , you are just thinking of him . Again she wouldn't shut up , but it's true .

I shake my head trying to get rid of those thoughts .

" Time is Up " the teacher begins to grap all the papers from the girls , oh no no no no no no .

I tried quickly to write but it's too late .

" better next time Anna " she smirked at me .

" but I didn't had enough time " I looked at her like I am about to cry . I studied hard for this, I can't get an F . " yes you did , but all you were doing is smiling at the paper like an idiot ." She smirked again , if she wasn't my mother's age I would punch her right in her fake face .

" That was the worst test in my whole life ! " Jennifer laughed .

" in that you are right ! " I said , when I look up , I saw Elena walking towards me still smirking .

" I saw you " saw me ? What is she talking about?

" what ? " I asked , alittle confused .

" with ya know , a boy " she said , smirking.

" huh , so what is the matter? " I scoff , no one said that we can't talk to Men .

" Nothing, just to tell you stay away from that boy ! Because he kissed me and god he is a good kisse-"

" okay , okay enough I don't care if he even fucked you and why you are telling me this ? " I asked , she just rolled her eyes .

" I saw him holding your waist this afternoon and I can see you like him " she smiled devilishly .

" Uh... Excuse me ? " I said looking around the room , searching for someone that she is talking to but apparently it's me " you sure I am the one who likes him ? " it's clear that she does like him but I am sure from his look not else probably she wants to be his slave I smirked at the thought .

" Well.. if it's not then , I am just warning ya and I gotta go Annawhore see ya " she smiled and turned around , she always call me Anawhore not Anabelle . But I don't care because the truth here that she is a whore !

" What was that ? " Jennifer asked , I tottaly forgot that she was here .

" Don't know "

" okay, Whatever . Did you know the happy news ? " before I could reply she kept going " you weren't here when we enter the class , but we are going to stay here for two days ,in the south part " she smiled happily , I smiled back at her .. Wait what ?!

" Why ? " I frown . They told us that we will have the test and go back safely to our part , this is no good .

" Well I am not sure why , but don't you feel happy? " she asked, Happy? I am far from happy .

" No, how could I be happy ? This part isn-"

" Don't start it Anna " she said , walking away , I quickly followed her .

" Start what ? Jen ! Look at me " I grap her arm , and finally she did .

" I am just worry , you know . Something is telling me that something wrong will happen to us " I said honestly .

" So avoid it " what ?! " See , you are my bestfriend and I don't want to hurt you. But for the tenth time , we aren't going to change the way they treat us , or change the government , we were born and this world is a mess, we have to live it even if they are beating us to the death . And now we have a chance to live alittle So why don't we grap it ? '' A tear slightly fall from her cheek , she is totally right . But how could we live a little ? And we are victims in this part of town .


A/N : No cliffhangers !

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