Chapter One: The First Month In England Is Already Shit

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What is this man and Rose talking about? Is this the same Rose from the last man?

I looked at my alarm clock and widened my eyes. I only had three minutes to get to class. I grabbed a blue crop top with roses on it, dark wash skinny jeans, my usual black boots and my grey cap before quickly shoving it all on. On the way out I grabbed my apartment keys, wallet, bookbag, flute and a black windbreaker.

I ran down the street to the building with my first class and hurriedly walked down the hallways to Astronomy 101. I made it just as the clock struck ten o'clock and walked to my seat, placing all of my stuff down.

"Alright, class," my eyes snapped up and I looked at the man standing at the front of the room. My blood ran cold immediately as I sat frozen in my seat. "I'm Doctor John Smith, I'll be your substitute until further notice."

Doctor Smith was quite handsome, although I hardly took notice. What I did notice was his voice. How it resonated not just in the classroom, but in my head as well. He's the new man I hear.

"Please say present when I call your name. Taylor Adams."


He listed off different names, each word making my heart race. I never thought the men were real people. But to meet one of them is astounding in itself.

"Freya Tate?"

I pulled my hand away from my lip piercing. A nervous habit of mine: playing with the small ring. I tried to speak but couldn't find it in myself to do so. I hardly speak in class anyway. I don't think I ever have unless it's to the professor after class ends.

"No Freya today?" Doctor Smith raised an eyebrow as he looked around the classroom. I lifted my hand tentatively, causing his eyes to snap to mine. "Why didn't you say anything when I called your name the first time?"

I still couldn't speak. Dammit! Think of something clever, Freya!

I began signing, but then quickly realized I didn't know British Sign. I continued anyways in hopes that he would know ASL.

'Lost my voice.'

He nodded. "Alright. So Freya Tate is here." He checked off my name and continued with the rest of the names. "Right, okay. I didn't really set up an agenda for today as I was called in last minute so talk amongst yourselves. You do have homework tonight. Create your own planet and give it a name." With that, all of the students began talking and I grabbed a piece of graphing paper to start my project. "Freya could I speak to you?"

I looked up at him and let out a small breath. Of course he would want to talk to me. I stood and walked up to his desk but he just stood and walked out of the room, wanting me to follow.

"Where are you from, Freya?"

The question caught me off guard, making me forget that I lied and said I lost my voice. "I'm from Pennsylvania. Why?"

A small smile with a hint of shock covered his face before he went neutral again. "I thought you lost your voice. Did you lie to me, Freya?"

Shit! Think of something!

"Oh, hey, um, look at that! My voice is back." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. Good job, Freya. Now he knows you lied.

Can you hear me?

"'Course I can. You're right in front of me, Doctor." I looked at him weirdly until realization came to me. He had said it under his breath so I shouldn't have heard. "Wait... could you tell me what's going on with me? Why I can hear all of these men? Including you?"

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