Story Description

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Firstly, I do not own the original Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms, Bleach, or Fairy Tail. This fanfic is being made solely for my and the readers personal enjoyment.

The story will be original, however it will be set in the TMOPB universe. In this story Bai Qian/Si Yin will NOT play the role of Susu, and Ye Hua will not be in this story either.(I think.) The pairings I will be writing are: Bia Qian/Si Yin+Mo Yuan, Dong Hua Dijun+Bai Feng Jiu, Byakuya Kuchiki+Rukia Kuchiki, and Jellal Fernandes+Erza Scarlet.

Seventy thousand years ago, Bai Qian was an unruly young vixen whose parents adored her too much to discipline her themselves, so after much contemplation they sent her off to Kunlun mountain under a male disguise to study under high god Mo Yuan, the god of war. She took the alias 'Si Yin' while under his care, and her first cousin Bai Rukia who had been orphaned and was adopted and raised with Bai Qian as her sister, stayed behind at Qing Qiu and pretended to be Bai Qian to avoid suspicion of Bai Qian's disappearance as the years went by, while slowly the world forgot that Bai Rukia ever existed.

During the battle at Ruoshui river, Mo Yuan sacrificed himself to the Dong Huang bell in order to deactivate it and he sealed away Qing Cang. While it did not kill him, it left him comatose and close to death. Bai Rukia had joined Bai Zhen at the battle and during the fighting she mysteriously disappeared, and she hasn't been seen since. Si Yin refused to hand over Mo Yuan's body to the celestial tribe to be buried in the sea of innocence, because Si Yin was the only one who believed that Mo Yuan really would return to them someday. Out of desperation he tricked his disciple brothers into becoming drunk the night before they were supposed to hand over Mo Yuan's body, and then he disappeared with his shifu's body overnight, also never to be seen again.

Also seventy thousand years ago, during the year of the battle of Ruoshui river, Dong Hua Dijun spontaneously decided to rewrite his name onto the rock of three lives during his semi-retirement, and to everyone's surprise, he had arrived at the fox den of Qing Qiu on the day of the fox king Bai Zhi's granddaughters birth, and declared to the world that she would be his future wife. Bai Feng Jiu became a child empress at the tender age of ten thousand years old (ten thousand years later) and married Dong Hua Dijun on the same day, although their marriage contract explicitly stated that they would not consummate their marriage until she became an adult and consented toward more intimate advances.

Fifteen thousand years ago Queen Bai Feng Jiu and Dong Hua Dijun had their first child, little prince Bai Gungun/Bai De Gun, and for a while the family lived happily together, but seemingly out of the blue Queen Bia Feng Jiu fell ill with a seemingly incurable illness.

Three thousand years ago Dong Hua Dijun and Queen Dowager Bai Feng Jiu went into seclusion at Bihai Cangling after the already weak queen was forced to endure her high immortal ascension trial, which she failed to pass due to the unnatural severity of the trial by lightning(heavens reckoning). Bai De Gun took the throne of Eastern Qing Qiu at the age of twelve thousand years, and left behind Tai Chen palace to his star lord Siegrain, and his fathers star lord Si Ming to be looked after.

Seventy thousand years into the future, Siegrain, star lord under his majesty Bai De Gun, was alerted by star lord Si Ming that there was a trace of the missing fox queen Bia Qian in the world of the living, and he was sent to investigate the matter. He knew many of Qing Qiu's secrets however, so he was aware that it couldn't possibly have been the real Bai Qian. Still, he went down to the world of the living to investigate anyway, but the person he found was definitely not who he thought he might find. After he saved her life, she continued to pursue him until she could finally pay back the debt of him having saved her life.

Also seventy thousand years into the future the crowned prince Byakuya Kuchiki was seriously injured by the blue demon lord Nodt, who also stole Byakuya's power before Byakuya managed to escape into a cave in the world of the living to recuperate. A beautiful woman found him and brought him home to care for his injuries, and without ever realizing what was happening to him, he fell deeply in love with her and decided he would fight to keep her until his very last breath. There are however, forces at work that seek to tear them apart. Is their love stronger than heavens will?

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