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Hello I'm changing some stuff of the story but if you guys have any problem with this just tell me in the comments

1. Izuku is a demi-god until Gaoultar give him the rest to become a full

2. Izuku can't use a lot the IOP power because he was only half of it (that why I am making a time limit but later in the EPISODES he'll get all of it)
I do this because I don't want to make him overpowered

3. Izuku IOP power will rival 65% of OFA at full And until izuku gets all the IOP power from Gaoultar it will surpass OFA like two time.

And if your asking what will be izuku hero customer you guys this is it

My favorite :)

My favorite :)

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IZUKU THE IOP GOD (Paused/Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now