EPISODE 4 (Training 3/3)

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After the tremendous fight our Hero had with Rubilax and earning his respect

After some time Gaoultar came to have a talk with Rubilax about if he wanted to come to earth and become izuku weapon after this.

RUBILAX: I can't Gaoultar I have to take care of this idiot plus if I leave they might plan to overthrow me or free rushu the last SHUSHU king because after having a agreement that we would have peace and never come to earth again they started to get annoyed and that why I kept with the Battle arena just to get them distracted some of them started rebelling against me with that being Anathar as the leader and some of rushu followers

Gaoultar: I understand ...than what the hell I'm I going to give the boy when where out of here my plan was to take you out and with your old container

RUBILAX: I think I have an idea bring my old container

Gaoultar: here, why did you wanted it for with out you in it it's just this little sword

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Gaoultar: here, why did you wanted it for with out you in it it's just this little sword

After some time Rubilax place his hand on the sword and started to channel to of his demonic power to the sword making it glow into a red light after some second the sword started to change shape and making a chain and making the sword more longer just by a little

Gaoultar: wow Rubi I didn't know you could do that so what are you gonna call it?

RUBILAX: The Blade Of Chaos

After having a their conversation they went to look for izuku to leave the SHUSHU world and to back to earth to resume Izuku training

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After having a their conversation they went to look for izuku to leave the SHUSHU world and to back to earth to resume Izuku training.

RUBILAX : hey kid!! (Izuku the turn to look at Rubilax)
Catch (He throw the blade of chaos to Izuku and he catches it)

Izuku: is this a sword woooow thanks Rubilax for this I'll take care of it with my life(Finally I have a weapon I'll have to master Gaoultar to teach me how to use it they look similar to his now that I see it)

After saying there goodbyes they went to the red portal and came back to the Island of Oma.

Yugo: you feel that Adamai their back!

Adama: Your right let's go welcome them back

In the front of the island you can see to figure come from the portal

Izuku/Gaoultar : WERE BACK!!!

Yugo: welcome back guys!

Adamai: welcome home

Izuku: hello Yugo,Adamai can we have a spar again I want to show you how strong I got!

Gaoultar: Now That's A Iop For You !!

After their spar which izuku was able to give them both a good fight but still losing to them because of their more power and their more experience. They continue with izuku training

7 month
Gaoultar was now teaching Izuku on how to use his blade of Chaos

8 month
Izuku started to train by his own and made some moves of his own, (and sometimes Yugo told him stories about his adventure and about the eliotrope and his old enemies that he fought in the past)

9 month
Izuku every day ask Yugo,Adamai,and Gaoultar to spar with him to increase his reflexes and fighting experience.

Last month
Yugo and Adamai decided to ask izuku if he wanted to join The Order Of The TOFUS which he did so they had to tell him about the Dofus and their LOCATION what could happen if they where on the wrong hands

Izuku full power could now rival 20% of OFA and he increase the time with his IOP power to a minimum of 30 minutes.

Izuku was leaving the island to go back to Japan so he could study for the Entrance exam for the UA

Izuku said goodbye to his friends in the island and told them the he would visit them anytime he could

Izuku: (I have three week to study for the entrance exam I won't let them be disappointed)


Yugo: hey Gaoultar is izuku ready

Gaoultar: No he won't be ready but still  he has grown pretty strong with the last 10 month his being training so how much time do you think we have.

Yugo: three month until THEY come.

(In the comments try to guest what enemy are coming)

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