Chapter 1

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Michelle attends church faithfully. She sings on the choir, makes sure to attend praise team each Wednesday, and even leads the congregation in devotions.

One Sunday after service is finished, Pastor Thomas walks up to the pulpit and announces in the microphone, "Michelle could you see me in my office after service? Thank you. Oh and everyone make sure that you attend the afternoon service if you can. We need full support."

Michelle is fairly familiar with the pastors office since her father Deacon Richardson is one of reverend Thomas' trusted congregants.

Michelle kisses her dad on the cheek and assures," I'll be back in a few", as she descends the stairs to Thomas' office.

"Well mom and I are headed home, just meet us there I don't think she wants to attend the second service this evening."

"Ok dad love ya." I reply.

"Hey Michelle." Reverend Thomas greets.

"Hey reverend whatsup? Did you need me to lead devotions for the afternoon service? Or to volunteer to help with serving dinner later on tonight?"

Michelle's a beautiful African American woman with deep brown skin. Her body is proportionate and full. Her waist and hips jut out each time she walks down the aisles of Greater Trials Baptist Church. She has nice pink lips colored in red when she wears lip stick.

Michelle is not makeup because her natural beauty radiates wherever she is present. Michelle's a 24 years old woman that embraces her commonsense and wisdom. Often times people would remark she has too much maturity that should be allowed for a women of her age. She loves to read, write poetry and dance. Most importantly, she loves God. God is her first love, and her dad, Deacon Richardson, is her second.

"God's got his eye on you young lady." Rev. Thomas replies.

I blush. I have heard it before countless times, but hearing it made me realize how much of God's work I am involved in. It feels good when others notice your hard work and dedication.

"Thank you, I try my best to give him his due praise. A lot of people are not brought up in the church like I is an honor to be one of the more cemented family members here."

"I've watched you grow from a little girl to a blossoming grown woman." Thomas replies as he moves closer.

I felt a bit uneasy. Thomas' admiration grew to be super creepy.

"You are extremely beautiful, and it's about time I show you just how beautiful you are." Thomas says as he removes his glasses and begins fondling Michelle's breast.

"What the hell are you doing!? Pastor Thomas get the hell off of me!" I scream as I snatch away and tear my blouse. It was my favorite blouse at that!

"You want to go to heaven don't you?!!! Don't make this hard come here Michelle. Now! We both want this, feed into your desire of me and I shall do the same."

I book it! I flew out of pastor Thomas' office as quickly as I can. There is no one around. It is as if the entire church is a ghost town which is eerie. What is even worst is the fact that there are no witnesses. No one to hear my scream, no one to see the blouse torn from its hems.......nothing.

As I run out of his hands, I notice all of the faces on the wall. All faces of past pastors. Each one African American with grey hair and glasses. There is only 1 that is lighter in complexion. That was my great of the initial founders of the church. Henry Richardson is his name.

He was a great man from what I learned. He is one of the reasons my dad is so dedicated to this church. He kept everything moving smoothly. Always gave money from his own pocket into the hands of those less fortunate.

The walls are cream colored, and the floor has fake wood tiles on it that gives it a more rustic and classy appeal. The men's bathroom is blue and the women's pink, but I did not stop to use it.

I went directly through the front door and run to my car. It is a "hooptie", well not really. It is an older Toyota Camry that I received when I graduated from high school. My car is red and has blacked out tints. Yea I know what you are thinking. A church girl with tints!

I am not that much of a square. Plus who said that loving God made you a square?

I drive home.... Cannot wait to tell dad what happened!

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