Dusk came quickly, and Regina threw her book and pencil at the end of the bed and Sighed. Then she saw the stunning almost full Moon outside and smiled. She then feel onto her pillow and slept.

The next day, she was left alone in her room and her Mother didnt bother her. Maybe she is running around preparing the Wedding. She thought. She sighed, and looked at her book. 

After she had Dinner in her Room, she started packing her bag she got from a friend. The bag was kinda cool. You could fit anything, as much as you want, and it wouldnt feel heavy, or look big.

 She started packing clothes, and other things. She saw some white bandage wrap thing and she looked at it for a long time. Something was telling her to bring it along, so she just threw in 5 or 6 rolls in and closed the bag. She held it on her back, to see if it was heavy, and it felt like she barley had anything in there. She smiled. She had a lot of things in there. 

I knew you would come in use for me, she thought. She looked and saw the Darkness was taking over the land, and the Moon was rising slowly, a Full Moon this time. She placed the bag under her bed and lay on her bed and rested her head on her pillow, and she let sleep take over.

She woke up and looked outside. It was dark in her Room, and she saw the Full Moon. She looked at the clock on her table and it read,11:45. She sighed and sat up, grabbing her bag and threw it on her bed. She walked over and pulled a sweater around her just in case she would get cold. She placed the Bag around her arms, and looked around the room. She walked over to her door, opened it very quietly, and glances around her room one more time.

 She walked out of her Room, and closed the door just as quite as she opened it. She looked into the hall and saw torches that were lighting the hall. She heard guards mer-mering  quietly. She walked slowly away from the guards. She looked around for an exist, and she saw a door that lead downstairs, and only her and the Royal Family knew bout it. She walked over there and she opened the door quietly. the door creaked a bit but thankfully no guard came. She walked in and went down the stairs and looked out the window, just to make sure that there was no guard or something. 

She walked out and closed the door, and looked around. She was thankful that the fire was lighting the hall. She walked slowly to another door, and she knew this door lead towards the back, and towards the forest. She walked down the hall, and then ran to the last door, and opened it, and she looked around and she didnt see any guards, and it was quite dark, but somehow she could see fine in the pitch black night. She held her breath for a second to see if she can hear anything or anyone, and she was surprised that she could hear guards talking on the other side of the wall she was leaning against. She brought her breath back to normal, and she stood there for a second. 

Why didnt i realize that i can see pretty good in the dark? And how can I hear way father then from a normal distance that  people cant? 

She thought. She shook her head, and got back to getting out of here. She ran as fast as she could so that the guards could hear her. She ran for her life into the forest and ran for a while. Great. Now i can run a long distance and not get tired or out of breath. 

She looked beside her and saw the tress and bushes seem like they are smudging.

  Just how fast am I running? Regina asked in her head. 

She stopped and looked behind her, and she was way further then she thought she would be. Regina smiled, and thought that maybe it was adrenaline, but somehow she knew it wasnt. Regina turned and kept walking deeper in to the never-ending forest.

After hours of walked, Regina sat down, and grabbed water from her bag and drank it quickly. She threw the water back in her bag and looked up at the Moon. She looked at her watch and it read: 2:34. She sighed and looked for a tree she could sleep in for the night. She found a tree and climbed it and sat down, and she let sleep take over. 

Regina woke up. She wasnt fully sure why. She looked at her watch again, and it read:4:17. She sighed. Then her ears kinda pricked up. She thought she could hear a shallow breathing from a creature. She looked around and saw glowing yellow eyes off in the distance; a distance that was too far for a normal human being to see. She saw the faintest outline of the body, and something yelled in her mind that it was a black teen Wolf looking at her. The wolf took 2 steps forward, and even though the wolf was far away from Regina, Regina could see it better. She sat up a bit, and looked at the wolf. She knew wolves can sense fear from beings, and Regina knew deep down that she wasnt afraid, she didnt know why she wasnt, but she was happy. The wolf in the distance tilted its head and sat down, looking at Regina. Regina sighed, and rested her back on the tree and looked at the wolf. The black wolf walked away, and turned back to Regina. Guessing by the shape and size of the Wolf, she was a young female girl, though she was pretty big for a female. The wolf turned back, and walked into the dark, her fur disappeared into the black. Regina rested her head down, and slept a little more.

An hour later, Regina woke up by faint sounds of metal clanking. She stood on the tree, holding the branch, and looked as far as she could see through the dark and saw men looking in the forest. She then knew that they were looking for her. Her Mother sent the guards looking for her. She jumped out from the tree, well rested, and ran away, deeper into the forest. She stopped after a while, when she knew she was far far away from the men, and looked around, she once again saw the same black wolf, and it looked at her for a second, before running away.

What dose this Stunning Wolf want with me? Regina asked herself, and walked more into the forest.

End of Ch.1! this was the first time doing a story here, so please dont judge me if its bad or boring, lol. thanks for reading this, and the 2nd part should come soon, ily. 

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