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I had just finished my performance and my father told me to go wait at the Hotel entrance because my driver would come pick me up.
He doesn't like me to talk to people he doesn't know.

I went to the front of hotel with a handkerchief pressing my fingers. Turns out my fingers did bleed.
I was just randomly looking at my front when somebody spoke.

"You were the girl playing the violin, right? You are very good"- a boy by my side asked.

He had fair skin and he had a casual style to him. His hair was undone and and a sharp jawline.

"Yes, I-...oh..blood!"- I noticed on his lips.

"Oh..."- he put his hand on his lips not knowing about it.

"Wait a second"- I said as a ripped my handkerchief in half for him to use it too.

"Why ruin such a good piece of fabric? Couldn't you give it all?"- he asked with a chuckle.

"Well, I kind of need it too"- I said shyly and there was a moment of silence.

"Are you going to catch the bus?"- he asked.

"Oh, no... I'm waiting for my driver"- I nicely responded.

"Of course you are"- he said in between his teeth with a ironic tone to it and I heard.

"Did you come from the party?"- I asked since he saw me playing.

"Does it look like I came from there, princess?"- he said bitterly to me.

"I.. don't know..."

"One thing is clear when other people see us. One of us has a private driver and one of us has to choose between use their money for food or the bus"- he said with a cold tone to it.

I had no words to say back. I didn't want to be mean. He looks like a person who's embitter with life. He has a careless and cold feeling to him, but not too cold.

"Which one are you going to choose?"- I asked touched by his words.

"I don't reveal my life to strangers, princess"- he said with a smirk on his face.

When I was about to open my mouth to ask if he needed money, my driver, Paolo, honked making me look at him.

"Looks like your driver is here."- he told me.

When I was about to turn to him again he had already left my side.
He left with his hands on his jacket pockets. It looks like such a cool exit.

I entered the car and Paolo asked me who was he and I simply answered: "a strange stranger"
What started as a compliment turned into a cold conversation.


Yoongis POV
I woke up in my old and small apartment when my boss called me.
I work at the Big Hit company, but I'm very badly paid. The company is dying so my way of surviving is writing songs for other artists that don't work there.
Sometimes neither the company or those artists pay me. Money is a constant struggle to me.

"Someone asked for you"- my boss said.

"Who?"- I asked.

"Lee Chan Woo"- he answered.

"Who's that?...a new artist?"

"No...he is the owner of Chan enterprises...he owns a hotel buisness"- My boss told me.

"What does he want from me?"- I asked confused.

"I don't know... His daughter is a great violinist...Lee Y/N? Have you heard of her? Maybe he wants you to compose something for her....I have no idea, just go to his house as he asked and find out"- he told me and hung up.
He sent me the address after it.

On my there, in the bus, I got curious about this man, so I made my research.
I have never seen this man in my whole life, but he sure looks important. His history in buisness is quite incredible to the eye. As I scroll a little bit further there was a picture of a girl. She was familiar to me. It's the hotel girl.
It says it was his daughter and I got a little surprised, I must say. The article said she had won multiple contests and had done many important shows. No wonder, she is really good.
She is socially important, I can see.

"Don't look up at those kinds of people"- the old lady by my side said.

"Why?"- I asked her.

"That man stole my house. He banned all the people from my neighborhood so he could build his new hotel. I have to take to buses and a 50m trip just to go to the market now"- she told me about the man.

"What about his daughter?"- for some reason I asked.

"Don't know, I never saw her..."- she told me.

I got to his house and it's big and fancy.
He must sleep very well at night knowing his house can't be taken from him.

I knocked on the door and a maid opened it. She led me to his office and as I walk there I can't help to admire the luxury this house is. Must be nice.

I entered the office and he spoke

"Ah, you must be Min Yoongi"- he said with an ambitious smile on him.

"Yes, I am..."

"My friends tell me you work on a dying company"- he said.

"Yes and?"- I asked.

"And...I heard you got into a figth with Choi SeJun"

"Where is this conversation going?"- I asked confused.

"If you can beat up someone as important as him, I'm sure you can do some more things to other artists?"

After he said that, I couldn't help but to frown. What does he take me for?

"What things?"- I asked annoyed.

"See, my daughter, Lee Y/N, will soon have an important violin competition...I'm sure you can find a way to make sure the others contestants don't win ..."- he said.

"Sabotage?"- I asked not believing what I heard. He just smiled.- "Wow...you know, I may not dress in Gucci or Versace like you, but I know my worth...I'm not like you..let's get that thing clear"- I said ready to leave.

"It's good money"- he claimed.

"Yet a bad job...as I said...no thanks"- I told him and headed to the door, but before I could leave I spoke again.

"By the way, your daughter is really good...she doesn't need these kinds of help...you should believe in her.."- I said and I left, closing the door behind me.

"Good Love"- Yoongi FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now