"Now BACK TO THE HOSPITAL SO I CAN SEE ME SOME AMANENE BABIES!" I yelled with a smirk on my face as I zoomed out of the parking lot back to the hospital. "Aoi-senpai your going way to fast slow down!" Amane had said but I could hardly hear it until Akane had repeated it. I slowed down as we reached the hospital.

Back to Author POV

Nene was still laying there in bed trying to deal with the pain but it only caused more pain. "He isn't coming Nene just forget about it." She said to herself looking down at her stomach as she felt more pain go by.

Suddenly the door just slammed opened scaring Nene as she jumped a little from the random door opening.

A is Amane talking N is Nene talking.

A- "Nene I'm sorry that I'm late." Amane ran up next to her.

N- "A-Amane.." Nene couldn't help but cry. She had doubted herself so much but yet here he is.

A- "Hey.. it's alright I'm here Nene." Amane sat next to her on the bed wiping her tears away giving her kisses.

N- "I called you so many times. I thought you weren't going to make it and that I was going have to go through this alone." Nene continued to cry as she choked on some of her words.

A- "I know you did and I'm sorry that I didn't answer my phone was in my dressing room. But now you're not going to do this alone I'm going to be by your side at all times holding your hand to comfort you." Amane hugged her as she cried into his chest making his shirt all wet but he didn't care.

"I'm sorry to ruin this sad moment but the labor room is ready when you are ready Nene." The doctor said entering the room. "Well.. are you ready Nene?" Amane asked as he broke the hug to see Nene answer.

She wiped the few remaining tears before answering. "Ready as I'll ever be." She smiled holding onto Amane hand tight. "Alright then off to the labor room!" The doctor said as her helpful nurse came in and helped her push her bed into the hallway down to the labor room.


Yashiro, Amane and Tsukas ran around the playground playing until they got bored doing that. "Guys let's play family! I'll be the mom!" Yashiro said raising her hand up high as the two boys sat down in front of her looking at her. "Alright then who going to be the dad and kid?" The two helpless twins asked.

"Hmm I choose...

You Yugi Amane!" Yashiro pointed at Amane who started to blush while Tsukasa snickered. "That means I'm the kid yay!" Tsukasa stood up jumping excitedly. Meanwhile Amane stood up silently still blushing.

"Amane-kun are you alright your face is red!" Yashiro said pointing at his face noticing how red he was. "Ah- yeah I'm fine Yashiro-San let's just play the game." His face soon went back to normal as he smiled. "That's Yugi-San to you!" Yashiro said crossing her arms. "Y-Yugi-San." Amane corrected himself. Yashiro was smiling at him afterwards.

"Now let's go home! Amane-kun could you please carry our son Tsukasa please." Yashiro gave him the puppy eyes. Amane let out a sign. "Yes dear Yugi-San." Amane said. He picked up Tsukasa giving him a piggyback ride.
"Weeeee! This is fun! I can see so many things from up here!" Tsukasa said as he looked around while on Amane back.
Nene laughed a little seeing how cute Amane and Tsukasa are being together. As for once they weren't trying to rip each others hair out.

Couple hours later

"Yugi-San dear I'm home!" Amane entered there so called home even though it was just the playground. "Ahh Amane-kun be quiet or else you'll wake up our son." Yashiro said as she walked over towards Amane before taking a seat. Amane wasn't used to this whole being father game and Yashiro being the mom but he still tried his best to play along for Yashiro.

"Oh my bad dear Yugi-San." He said as he quietly took a seat next to Yashiro. "You know.." Yashiro had started as Amane started taking a drink of his water bottle "hm?" "You would make a great father to whoever you decide to lose your virgin too!" Yashiro smiled at him. Amane started choking on his water. 'EXCUSE ME WHAT?' He said in his mind.

"Ahh! Ohno Amane-kun is dying! Tsukasa-kun your brother is dying please come help I'm only 7 I'm not old enough to be kissing people!" Yashiro started to panic until Tsukasa came in and started to give Amane CPR. After the first time there lips connected Amane pushed Tsukasa off him blushing.

"Amane lips tasted like donuts." Tsukasa said as he licked his lips still tasting that delicious donut flavor. "HUH? REALLY? CAN I GIVE YOU CPR TOO AMANE-KUN!" Yashiro took in what Tsukasa had said now wanting to see if it was true.

But just before Yashiro could give Amane CPR. "Nene! It's time for dinner!" She heard her mom yell from across the park waving her hand up the air signaling where she was. "Aw.. I gotta go guys. But let's do this again next time!" Yashiro said just before sliding down running across the street over to her mom.

Flashback ended

As they prepared her for labor Nene had laughed a little getting Amane attention. "Hm what's so funny?" He asked seeming so confused as he had no idea what was so funny. "Nothing just remembering you being a father at the age of 9." Nene giggled a little more as Amane blushed a lot.

She had went from laughing to screaming. Amane was no longer blushing as he was worried as he grabbed Nene hand. "Nene! What's wrong?!" Amane held tightly on her hand as she squeezed it and continued to scream.

"She's gone into labor! Try to comfort her while she pushes the babies out." The doctor said quickly while getting her gloves and mask on quickly. Amane didn't know what to do he was panicing. He didn't like to see his future wife scream bloody murder and cry in so much pain.

"Nene you need to push!" The doctor yelled! Nene screamed digging her nails into Amane hand as she pushed. "Nene think of all the happy times that me, you and Tsukasa did when we were younger. All those times we played family you always wanted to be the mother  me be the dad and Tsukasa being the kid." Amane said as Nene grip tighten once more as she screamed pushing.

"Well now we can be a family! We can have our own children and be the parents we we're before. But you have to push. Yes it might be very painful but thats the whole process of having kids."


"Hey Amane-kun?" Yashiro asked still sitting there at the table while Tsukasa was asleep. "What's up Yashiro-san?" Amane asked looking up at her. "When we're older.. I wanna have kids with you married or not." Yashiro blurted out making Amane blush a lot again.

"How many.." Amane mumbled playing with his water bottle. "Huh?" Yashiro didn't hear since he mumbled. "How many kids do you want Yashiro-San" Amane said louder than before. Yashiro blushed lightly.

"I was kind of wanting twins.. a girl and boy. I also have there names picked out as well." Yashiro reached into her book bag dragging out a notebook. "Hanae and Saito." Yashiro smiled. "I would liked it if we did when I am 21 and your 23. You know the young adult age." Yashiro said playing with her fingers.

"Let's do it Yashiro-San. Even though I'm not really comfortable with it right now but that's only because I'm 9 years old." Amane said making a pinky promise with Yashiro that day.

Flashback ended

The whole room went silent as quiet crying could be heard through out the room.

"You gave birth to two adorable twins! One girl and one boy! Have you guys decided a name for them yet?" The doctor asked handing the two baby's to her helpful assistants to get them clean off of the blood so that they could hold them for a little bit before sending them to the nursery for further inspection.

"Hanae and Saito." The both of them said still holding hands as Nene cried with tears still being in pain. Amane tried his best to hold back his tears but couldn't help it as he was happy that they managed to fulfill Nene wish in wanting to have a family.

Him being the father and her being the mother of two adorable sweet twins.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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